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Grian was exhausted, both mentally and physically. He had been working on Sahara for two weeks straight now with only 2 hours of sleep, which even for a Watcher wasn't good. So it was of no surprise when he crashed into Scar's giant landscaping tree, and hit the ground with a thud. This alerted Scar, who was checking in on his shop when he heard it. Quickly putting down what he was doing the brunete hurried to the source of the sound, turning the corner he saw something that made his whole being fill with worry.

There on the ground lay an unmoving Grian, his feathered wings looked to be unnaturally bent, feathers scattered everywhere. Hastily making his way over the scared man could see the small rips and tears in the red oversized sweater, and the small splinters of wood stuck in the builders skin didn't look all that pleasant ether. At this point Scar was in an all out panic, what does he do? Call Cub? In his panicked mind the best idea was to bring Grian to the country club, for some reason. Getting the unconscious man to the club was surprisingly easy, had Grian not been eating properly?

It was now that Scar realized that he had no idea what he was doing, so he called Cub. Who wasn't answering his phone. Since he didn't know what he was doing, Scar decided to just wing it and do what he thought was right.

So he went over to the fallen hermit and tried patching him up, emphasis on tried. Nothing he did really worked. I mean, he was an expert at taking out splinters, seeing as he's had to take them out of his own fingers many times before, but when he got to the wings, he hesitated.

He didn't know how to reset such a delicate appendage, and Scar was afraid he would only make it worse. Suddenly something clicked in his mind, he could just check how to reset a wing. Cub did have a library full of animal care books after all.

After a few minutes of searching he found a book about bird health care, and after thoroughly reading what to do he fixed Grian up.

After a few minutes of him sitting there periodically feeding Grian potions there was the sound of a door creaking open. Cub was back.

Quickly feeding Grian one last potion he made his way to greet his boyfriend. Just as Cub was putting down the last shulker box from his grind, Scar came up and hugged him from the front and buried his face in the taller man's neck, clearly showing he was upset when he didn't say a word.

"What's wrong, Scar?" asked a concerned Cub, who wrapped his arms around his hat wearing lover.

Scar took a shuddering breath, "Grian's in the other room, h-he crashed into my landscaping tree, a-and I- I-"

At this point Scar couldn't form any coherent words, let alone an entire sentence. Cub just kept trying to soothe the brunette, whispering sweet nothings into his ear. Eventually, Scar calmed down enough to tell him about what happened to Grian.

As soon as Scar finished explaining everything Cub hurried to the room to assess the damage for himself. But before he could reach the room a loud crash came from the room. Both vex's quickly made their way into the room only to find Grian laying on the floor giggling like mad with two cats the neither Cub or Scar recognised. The two just looked on, and Scar started to feel better. Grian was alright, there was no need to worry.

The bigger of the two cats keep patting the hurt hermits hand and Grian kept saying 'I don't have any treats for you!'. The happy smile he wore made Scar's heart beat in the same way it did with Cub, with love.

It was now that horror filled the pirates head, did he love Grian? No, he couldn't. He just couldn't! He knows he loves Cub with all his heart, and Grian was competition! But looking over at the builder his heart ached in the same way it did back when he and Cub weren't together. Could... could it possible he loved them both?

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