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<>This is an AU where Grian didn't destroy the time machine<>

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" asked Iskall, the question directed at Doc.

"Yeah! The hippies came back just fine after they used it, so why shouldn't we?" grinned Doc, opening the time machines door to let everyone in, somehow making everyone fit.

Now you may ask: what is going on? Well you see the Hermits all got curious about the hippies little time travel adventure, so they wanted to go. But Grian had banned them from doing so, much to everyone's disappointment. But Doc had gotten the idea of sneaking into the hippie camp and using it without the three knowing, and he had asked everyone else if they wished to accompany him, and they all wanted to.

So that's why they were all here, sneaking into the hippie camp in the dead of night all under invisibility potions. Everyone crammed themselves inside the small pod, people either knocking against each other or the walls. The door closed behind Doc and everyone stood in awkward silence for a few minutes until Mumbo broke it, "So what now? How do we activate this thing?"

"I, I don't know," said Doc with uncertainty, "But Grian made this, so It can't be that complicated!"

"But what if it is complicated?" asked Tango, "This has nothing to do with redstone, so this could be the most complicated machine in this entire server for all we know!"

"Tango, it's a quartz box!" said Zedaph with an eye roll, "How complicated could it be? Now Doc, try pressing all the buttons, that feels like a Grian thing"

"Good idea Zed!" said Doc as he started pressing the buttons, but I'd didn't seem to be working, "To bad it didn't work though"

"Awww, I was really hoping that would work," pouted the blond.

As everyone was brainstorming on what to do Scar looked at compass that was in an item frame near him, he experimentally moved it. And to his, and everyone else's, surprise the machine started shaking. The Hermits would have been thrown around if it wasn't so cramped, but being pushed against each other wasn't pleasant either. Especially since some people, Doc, didn't know how to put away their tridents! I mean, Jesus Christ Doc , how hard can it be to move the damn thing to your inventory instead of having it on you at all times?! But minor trident stabbing aside, no one got hurt, much to everyone's relief.

As soon as the shaking stopped Doc broke the door down, completely disregarding the button. After he left the rest of the Hermits all came streaming out, some even kissing the ground in relief. Everyone just spent a few minutes recovering, but after that they all properly looked around. They were in a custom built, at least it looked custom built judging by all the mixed stones in the roof, cavern in an equally custom mountain. At least it looked custom in Scar's professional opinion.

The group slowly explored everything, awed at the beautiful craftsmanship this must have taken years to perfect. Their little exploration tour was cut short however when they heard laughter echo around the stone walls. They all quickly rushed to hide, if you can call bushing against the less lit parts of the walls hiding. Everyone held their breaths as the voices got closer, and their eyes widened as they saw the origin of the sound.

Along the path, that the Hermits had previously been following, came three children running from a guy with brown hair. They didn't recognize the children, but the guy they did recognize. It was Impulse, older for sure, but it was still the owner of iTrade they love and know. But why did he look older? And why was he running after three children?

Instead of stepping out of the shadows and confronting Impulse, they stayed hidden and watched.

"Get back here you little devils! It's almost dark and I promised to have you all in bed before your dads get back!" said Impulse, failing to grab at the kid nearest to him.

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