Mumbo, maker of redstone

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A lone male figure stood atop a small cliff, his face was lit up by the roaring fire the burned beneath him.

People were screaming and fighting against an armada of armored and robed people, but the man did nothing to help.

Footsteps appeared behind him, making him glance behind. There stood a woman in enchanted diamond armor, most of her features were hidden by the armor but her burning blue eyes were quite visible.

"YOU" she roared, pointing a accusing finger at the man, "YOU DID THIS! YOU BROUGHT THEM HERE!!"

"Of course, who else?" He calmly answered, fully turning to face the woman.

She growled in frustration, "Why?! Why are you doing this?!"

"You killed him, I can't let you get away with that"

"Fine, we deserve to be punished for what we did" admitted the woman, "But that doesn't mean you have to do all of this!-" She said as she waived a hand out over the sea of fire, "-Why? You've already permanently killed all of people involved, except me! So why are you doing this?"

He didn't answer her for a few seconds, simply turning around to once again look at the fire, "Some people just wanted to watch the world burn"

He glared at here over his shoulders, and with a cold tone he said,

"And I can't wait to see you burn"

Later after the flames had died down, a girl in archer gear went up to talk to him, "Sir?"

He turned his attention to her, "Yes? Can I help you with anything?"

"Well, I was wondering if you could answer a question?" She said hesitantly, looking him anywhere but in the eyes.

"Go ahead, I promise to do my best to answer"

"Well why did you do all of that with the admin? It was quite a bit out of character for you"

He huffed and looked back to where the cliff was located, you could faintly see a body at the bottom, "Harpy deserved what she got, and if she gets what she has coming then I don't mind doing things I would never normally do"


Warlord flew over to the shopping district, looking for a special little wolf.

And would you look at that? There he was. Down below them roamed Ren, going from shop to shop.

Warlord grind as came up with the perfect plan, they quickly dove down to snatch up the unaware Hermit.

And before he knew it Ren was grabbed by the tall fusion, said fusion cackling like a madman.

"What's going on?!" Screamed the brunette as he was lifted higher and higher, the crazy cackling of his captor didn't help either.

"What's wrong, Ren? Didn't you want to know what the book did?" Said Warlord, using a fake questioning tone.

The wolf was stunned to silence for a few seconds before letting out a, "Doc?"

"Ah, close! But not quite"

"Then who are you?"

"I'm glad you asked! I am Warlord! The fusion of Doc and Grian!"

"Wh-what? A fusion? How did you do that?! The art of fusion has been dead for years!"

"The book, it had a fusion spell in it!"

"That's so cool!"


"Can you let me go now?"

"Nope, only if you ask nicely!"




<Renthedog hit the ground to hard>

"Oops, thought we were over water. My bad"


Impulse rushed into the team ZIT meeting room 10 minutes late, a tiny bit frazzled but an excited grin on his face.

"Your late" commented Tango, interested why Impulse, the guy that was usually was first, was late.

"I am! But I have a good reason!"

"Well? What's the reason?" Asked Zedaph, curiosity now spiked.

"Ok! So Grian and I were talking, and he just casually dropped the biggest piece of tea in existence!" Babbled Impulse, pausing for dramatic effect.

"Well, get on with it! Tell us!" Edged Tango, now very interested.

"Ok so, apparently Doc's actually afraid of lightning! And the only reason he isn't afraid normally is because he has his channeling trident on him at all times!"

"Nooo! Really?" Exclaimed Tango, eyebrows raising with disbelief.


"And Grian told you this? How did he know?" Asked Zedaph, super interested by the new Hermits gossiping skills.

"Yeah! And he told me that Doc is really bad at hiding his diaries! And worse at labeling as such!"

Tango whistled, impressed. It was very hard to find anything the creeper hybrid tried to hide, and for Grian to say it was easy to find it? Well he must be one hell of a good finder. (Is this a way to say that I HC Grian as a Hufflepuff bordering on Slytherin? Yes, yes it is. Also if anyone knows his real HP house please do tell me!)

"And it's nice that your telling us this, but why explicitly mention it was Grian?" Question Zedaph.

"I wanted to ask he he could join in on the weekly gossip meetings"


"I'm in"

"Yeah, let's do it"

These are the AU's in order:
War Song, and the last two have no specific AU but the first of the two happens directly after The book.

And would ya look at that? I'm already breaking my promises! I just got this idea and I want to get it out there! So take this and keep it!

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