The Red Moon Always Shines

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Grian awoke to the feeling of a gentle chill breeze ruffling his hair. Only to find he was no longer in his base, or in Hermitcraft for that matter!

He was actually in a superflat world, nothing but an endless world of grass.

Standing up he saw that it was night, and the moon was proudly resting in the middle of the sky. But something was of about the night. There where no stars in sight and the moon was red, well and truly red. It was really unsettling to look at.

Grian shook the thoughts out his head, he needed to get back to the others.

He opened his inventory only to see an endless amount of materials. So he was in creative, that might be useful.

The first thing he tried was to simply try going back to HC from here, but when that didn't work he tried going to the Hub. Fail again. He then tried kicking himself from the world, didn't work. Nether and End portal, failed to activate.

He then tried using his communicator, only to find it gone.

With a defeated sigh, he sat down on the soft grass, trying to figure out how to get out of here.

After what felt like hours of thinking he gave up, maybe he could figure something out after a goodnights rest. Pulling out a bed he laid down on it, sleep soon enclosing on him.

But when he woke up once again it was still night, nothing had changed!

Grian huffed out an agitated breath, nothing he did seemed to work! He couldn't even sleep right!

He suddenly felt the urge to build something, he didn't know where the urge came from but building something might help calm him.

Grian pulled out blocks at random, choosing to let his instincts guide his hands as he built.

He lost himself in the rhythm of place blocks, and destroying blocks if they where placed wrong.

Oak plank, oak fence, oak fence, blue wool, blue wool, oak fence, oak plank, campfire, iron bar, oak gate, oak fence, red wool, red wool...

The cycle was endless.

After about one hour of work Grian stood back to look at what he'd made.

Before him stood, floated, a hot air ballon the balloon part half red and half blue, oak making up the basket of it.

"Guh, just because you also can build doesn't mean you can copy me, Grian"

The sudden voice made Grian spin around, just to find nothing. The builder looked around, but no one was there.

"Taurtis?" Whispered the builder, unsure if head heard anything at all, or if he was already going crazy.

He must be, he hadn't seen the headphone wearing man since before he left Evo, so why would he be here in a random superflat world?

Shaking his head, Grian got to work building yet another thing. It was addicting in a strange way, pulse it brought his mind away from... things.

He once again pulled out blocks at random, as if by instinct, and started placing them.

Blue wool, blue wool, blue wool, sandstone, sandstone, blue wool, blue wool, white wool, black wool, white wool, blue wool...

And repeat.

It was only when he stepped back that what he did register in his mind, he had built without thinking again.

And from the blocks he had in his inventory he didn't even need to look to know what he'd built, and looking at what he built only confirmed it, "Hi again, Squiddy. Long time no see"

"Man, this is amazing! When did you have time to make this?"


Looked around once more, still nothing.

What kind of sick joke was this? Was this one of the Hermits pranking him in this world and making him remember Evo? Grian hoped it wasn't, he liked the other Hermits and if one of them was responsible for this he didn't know how well he would take it.

Looking up he glared at the moon, it was still in the middle of the sky, it was still that bloody damn red color. And the moon just continue to glow the same as it always had, but Grian couldn't help but feel like it was taunting him.

Sighing he returned to the bed, the sun might not be up when he wakes up but he couldn't just stay awake. So sleep it was, and just before he entered the land of the unconscious a message flashed before his eyes, to fast for him to read.

The Red Moon Always Shines

So I've decided to make this into a book, it might be a short book or it might be a long book, but it'll be a book.

This will be the first chapter of said book, and is very much like it if you could check that out!

Now I'll show you the first draft of this, and you can tell me if you'd like a one-shot (or possibly a two-shot) about that. It's a completely different plot from this one, and more like the actual TRSNS fanfic.

Grian sat at the steps of Sahara, his trusted avian companion resting on his shoulders, longingly gazing in as Iskall and Mumbo work on all the redstone. He wasn't allowed to help, since all the redstone he touched got destroyed.

Sighing he stood up, deciding to go to his base instead of sitting here all day.

But on his way to the base he spotted a portal that looked nothing like it should. Instead of obsidian there was sandstone, and the purple was red.

Curious he went to inspect it, though his parrot companion flew away with a scared thrill, but he chalked it up to be because it might want to stay at Sahara.

As he got closer he felt it pull at his core more and more, beckoning him to enter. And he did.

Once through the portal he entered a flat world of sandstone, a redmoon high in the night sky.

He tried grabbing his sword, only to find that it was gone along with all of his other stuff. And when he tried looking in his inventory all he found was command blocks, stacks upon stacks of them.

He pulled one out and set it on the ground, feeling it pull at him, beckoning him to try using it.

And he did

As he opened the coding screen he felt a rush of excitement enter him, he might not know redstone but he did know command blocks. He quickly typed in the command to give him access to a spawner, and he then gave himself a chicken spawn egg.

Once he saw that his commands worked he got exited, if he learns how to use these he could give use them to give there customers there orders! No redstone or resource gathering needed!

Grian excitedly clapped his hands together, he could finally help Sahara with more then building!

As he continued typing command after command the moon remained in place. Not even shifting a tiny bit.

But he didn't find that weird at all, The redmoon always shines after all.

Back in Hermitcraft Iskall and Mumbo finished the last of the redstone they were doing for the day, only to find Grian gone.

This confused them both since the builder said he would wait for them here so that they could all go golfing. But they shrugged it of, thinking he had went to change and just hadn't gotten back yet.

Now that's all for now! I do hope to see you all in the next chapter and in the TRMAS book!

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