The Red Raven 2; Dark path #1

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Contemplating your own death

It had been a few days since Grian joined the dead team, and the living couldn't be more scared. If he was there, you ran. If he was approaching you hid until he passed you. Or you basically did your best to stay the fuck away from him.

The dead team did much the same, not really liking the aura he was giving off. It felt like death followed him, like it was constantly around him. It scared even Ren, because as much as he was ok with handling souls he didn't make a habit of keeping them at hand. So they made every excuse as to not hang out around him.

And Grian didn't really mind, sure he got lonely but he was ok. It wasn't until he went to a Sahara meeting that things changed.

Grian was flying to Sahara, his now dark gray wings taking him there relatively fast, for a meeting. But when he got there he saw the living Dragon bros there. He smiled at the sight of them laughing, he relay should hang out with them more often.

Ha landed on the roof before jumping down the hole that Mumbo has yet to fix. He expected them to maybe jump or let out a surprise little scream, but instead of doing any of that they screamed as if death itself was standing there and scrambled away from him.

Grian froze in surprise, he wasn't expecting them to react like this. He put his hands up in the sign of surrender, showing them that he wasn't going to hurt them. But this just put them all more at edge, judging by Iskall and False pulling out their swords to point at him.

"Guys, relax, I'm not going-" he was cut off before he could finish talking.

"Not going to hurt us? Yeah right, your on the dead team now, your one goal is to literally kill us. So I find it hard to believe you," hissed False, eyes narrowed as she assessed him, "Plus we all know what happened with Tango"

Grian winced at the mention of the demon, he still hadn't forgiven himself about that, "I didn't mean to kill Tango, it was just instinct! And just because I'm dead doesn't mean I'll hurt you, we're Dragon bros after all!"

"We are," said Bdubs, tone neither aggressive or friendly, "Your not. You were the one who said that as soon as you died you were of the team, so your off"

He stood in shock as he stared at Bdubs through his narrow mask, surely they must be playing this up. Just because he was dead now doesn't mean he wouldn't be able to hang with them, surely? But as he looked closer he could see that yes, they were serious.

He took a deep breath and squared his shoulders, "Very well," as he said this the people gathered shivered, had never heard such a cold and lifeless tone before, "Then I shall leave"

As he turned his back to them and spread his wings getting ready to fly he turned to look back at them one last time, "But we weary, the dead doesn't rest until there is no longer a Universe"

At the words he pulled off his mask to show his face,

He glared at them as he said his last words, "And I'll put us all to bed, once and for all"

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He glared at them as he said his last words, "And I'll put us all to bed, once and for all"

And then he was gone, nothing but a black spot on the horizon.

Silence drowned the meeting room after his departure, "You don't think he actually meant that, do you?" asked Mumbo hesitantly.

"Honestly? I don't know," whispered Iskall, "I just don't know"

Well, just look at what you've done

Grian let thick black tears roll down his face as he flew away, not caring who saw him. He just wanted to get away, and there was only one place no one would look; High, high up in the sky. So that's what he did, he flew higher and higher until he couldn't go anymore.

And so he remained hovering, looking down on the now minuscule Hermit island.

He couldn't believe it, after all that had happened this is what they do to him? Was this even a game anymore? He didn't know, and he hated it! He hated it because he didn't know if they even liked him anymore. All the stuff he started never felt like fun games, they felt like wars. And he hated it, he hated himself for letting it go this far.

He felt a burning in his chest and he instinctively took his necklace in his hand, the little charm at the end that held his soul was fading, fast. And honestly? He couldn't care less. He was already dead, what was the point of having his soul if he wasn't going to use it?

In that single moment a lot of things happened, first the soul in the charm turned gray and dull, second his already dark wings turned pitch black and lastly a message was sent through chat.

Red Raven has made the advancement [Icarus]

But the message wasn't a normal achievement, no, it was bright red. Normal advancements where green and special ones where purple, but none where red. So everyone was confused.

But Gri-the Red Raven didn't care, he never did. Memories of his early years filled his mind as he remained in place, pain, anger and misery bubbling up to the surface. He was itching to feel a defenseless soul in his hands, the hunger for freedom squashing any logically part of his mind.

"Snap out of it you idiot!" cried Etho, trying to snap Grian out of his state, "You have to control yourself! Please, don't make this mistake!"

"He can't hear you," sighed Biffa, fingers flexing as he stretched them, "Believe me, I've been trying for months"

"So your just giving up?" hissed Etho, "Your just gonna let him go out there and kill them?"

Biffa let out a slight growl as he turned to face the redstoner, "Of course not! I'm just saying that this isn't a battle we can fight! We'll have to help when he's asleep or unconscious, until then we'll have to hope the Hermits know what their doing"

The two fell silent after that, knowing that Biffa's words hold true. They wish they could help, mare the Hermits realize that Grian needed them. But they couldn't, and no it was already too late. They just hoped that they could still save him from himself before he lost

Don't you dare forget the sun

<[Continue run?]>




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