Falsy helps Gri-Gri find love, it's nice

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Grian stands on the statue of Hermitity, sadly looking at Sahara. He could vaguely see Iskall and Mumbo working away on the redstone, and a smile crept across his face. Those two really were a good team. Grian knew he liked both of them, and he wasn't going to deny it, it's just that he knows that they would never feel the same.

The two of them had been together since shortly after the start of the season, so Grian knew that they where serious about this relationship.

He was very happy for them, they deserve to be happy.

But he wasn't happy for himself, he wanted to be part of a happy relationship. But he knew that couldn't happen. At least not with Mumbo and Iskall.

He remembers asking Mumbo what he thought of poly relationships one day, the man told him that while he had nothing against them, it simply wasn't something he ever

saw himself apart of.

So that crushed all of Grian's dreams of a romantic relationship with them in one go.

Letting out a deep breath of air, the winged Hermit launched himself of the edge. Soon he was flying around the server, not going anywhere in particular. At least not until he was flagged down by Joe, which was strange since the two never really interact. Deciding that there was no harm in talking to the other Hermit, Grian changed course and was soon headed for the other.

"Did you need something, Joe?" asked Grian as he landed, head tilted slightly to the side.

Joe smiled, "Well yes, but also no" at the shorter mans confused stare he explained, "Cleo told me that False was looking for you, and I saw you flying around here so I decided to go tell you that she was looking for you"

"What does Falsy want with me?"

"I guess that's something you'll have to ask her, since she didn't tell Cleo why"

"Well, do you know where she is?"

Joe got a thoughtful expression on his face, "I believe she's at her aqueduct"

"Alright, I'll see you around, Joe!" said Grian as he took off, "Good luck with whatever you have planned!"

It was a short flight from the shopping district to the fantasy district, or, it would have been if Grian didn't get distracted looking at all the new builds. And, just like Joe had thought, she was sitting at the top of the duct, as if she was waiting for him. Which, technically she was. He just didn't expect her to expect him so soon.

"Took you long enough" snarked False, mirth clear in her voice.

"Not my fault your all making this district so good looking," grinned Grian, sitting down next to the blonde, "Now, I was told you needed me?"

False seemed to deflate slightly at this, "Ah, yes, I did," ok, she was acting quite weird, that intrigued Grian, "I wanted to talk about, your little dilemma with Iskall and Mumbo"

Grian chose to remain silent, what was he even suppose to say?

"We all know how you feel about them, and I also know about your and Mumbo's conversation about poly relationships," the dirty blond refused to look at her, what was she trying to get at? "And I want you to know, that I promise to do my best to help you. If you need a shoulder to cry on about what your feeling about the two of them, I'll be there. You just need someone to be around, I'll be that person. Please remember that I will always be with you, and that just because love seems like a long shot doesn't mean that love is impossible. You will find someone, be it in a few weeks or in a few years, you'll find someone"

As False continued her rant, Grian's face softened. He was so glad to have a friend like her, he didn't know where he wove without help and advice from her. No words where exchanged after that, the two simply feel into a peaceful silence. And soon Grian was dosing off, head resting on False's shoulder.

And Grian acted on her offer, and soon they regularly meet every Monday (False said that it would feel good to release everything from the last week and start anew, Grian just thinks she wants to be original, not that he'd ever tell her that). And he was slowly getting over his crush on the other two Architechs, he may never forget the love he feels for them, but he could move on.

And the more time he spent around False, the more time he spent around the fantasy district, which meant that he saw more of Ren. The two started hanging out more and Grian was really funny and nice to be around, the wolf hybrids good looks was just an added plus.

And as the weeks past he started feeling a familiar emotion whenever he was near the other, guess love came quicker the expected. Not that Grian minds, it was if Ren minded that maters.


Ren never truly appreciated ice as much as he did now, guess he was going to need to thank Iskall tenfold for this.

How about we back up a tiny bit? Ya know, get y'all up to speed on the situation.

So Ren wanted Grian help "test" his race way, but in actuality he wanted to hot potato the short Hermit. And he got caught, Grian read through the punishment and got a shit eating grin on his face but as we was going to return the book and potato he slid on the ice and nocked over Ren, and when he tried to stand he only glided further up the other, which led to both men's lips to connect.

Both men flushed deeply, and they quickly broke apart but still stayed in the same position. They didn't know what to say, what do you even say? How to do you go about this? Doing the first thing on their minds, both said at the same time, "Can we do that agin?", "Another one, please?"

Shock filled their faces as what the other had said, looks like both where getting what they wanted today.

(Heads up for my terrible description of sweet kisses)

Grian leaned down to capture the others lips in another kiss, and this time he could actually feel the kiss without being distracted. Ren's lips where surprisingly smooth, but his facial hair did make it seem less smooth then they where. If it wasn't for the need to breath he would gladly do this all day, just snuggled up with the wolf Hermit and nothing to worry about. Breaking apart the two didn't need to share any words, both knew what they where to each other, no need to waste time by saying it out loud.

Both where in heaven until they realized sitting on ice might not be the best idea, together they flew back to Hermitville intending to stay inside Grian's house and cuddle all day.

Somewhere else on the server False felt a wave of a 'Finally' type of smugness, seems like there was now another couple on the server.

What is this you may ask? Well, this is the result of a tired me wanting to write something. Plus, I need more Rian? Gren? Let's go with Gren. 

Now I'll be of to bed, try to enjoy your day/night!

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