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Everyone on the Hermitcraft server were startled when the world around them started to shift, buildings appearing and then disappearing. And a sudden thunder storm didn't help either.

Xisuma decided to call a server wide meeting, but Grian didn't show up.

And when they tried calling him all they got was static, which worried Ren greatly. Everyone else where confused, but one had a different reaction.

Wels, being a half-elf, could sense the magic around him. And currently he could see and feel the ancient Watcher magic, twisting and turning. But that wasn't the strangest thing, far from it. The thing was that there was not just one Watcher, but three of them. The most prominent one felt like a gentle breeze that could pickup in speed at any moment, the second one felt more like a crackling fire that kept you warm and was still fierce at the same time, the last one was felt like a gentle sea current inviting you to bask in the calm of the water.

Quickly piecing things together, he figured out that the breeze was Grian. But who were the other two?

Scanning everyone gathered, he saw that TFC was glancing in the direction of Grian's base every time thunder cracked.

The knight discreetly made his way over to the vault crawler, he seemed to know more than he let on.

But before he had a chance to speak EX was thrown to the ground from the sky, luckily Cleo managed to catch him before he hit the ground. He seemed a bit ruffed up, but mostly ok.

"EX? What's going on?" asked Xisuma, both worried for his twin and curious on what was going on.

EX took a few deep breaths before answering, "Th-that idiot forgot to let his true form out, and-" he interrupted himself by coughing before continuing, "-and now he's gone feral! I tried to help but he's far to powerful!"

The group looked at each other with worry, they had a hunch who he was but they hoped it wasn't who they thought it was.

It was Zed who had the courage to ask, "Who is he?"

EX looked up at the blonde before looking him straight in the eyes (his helmet had been knocked off in the fall) as he answered, "Grian, Grian has gone feral"

X whispered a quiet 'Oh dear' as the other hermits tried to get to higher ground, to see if they could see what was going on. The sight that greeted them was quite shocking, and even the most stoic of hermits had there jaws on the floor.

What they saw could only be described as a battle of the titans. There were three dragons circling the statue of hermity, the smallest seemed to be more aggressive and careless while the other two looked to be working together to bring down the smaller dragon.

The first dragon was nothing but a brown blur as it ducked and weaved in and around the statue, the wind blowing in sync with the beating of its giant wings. The second one stayed closer to the water, it's muddy blue/green scales dripping with seawater. The third one was taking a more hands on (claws on?) approach and was blowing red hot fire at the brown dragon, the flames licking the sides of it's deep marrón face scales.

Off to the side they heard someone loudly gasped, turning, they saw Joe look at the dragons with recognition in his eyes.

"Those aren't normal dragons" was the first thing he uttered after looking at the fight for a few more seconds.

Everyone was confused by this, those things were clearly dragons.

Mumbo was the one who asked the question, "Then what are they?"

"There Elyqins, rulers of the End cities"

Many had heard stories about the Elyqins, how to any player it was a quick death. But they were thought to have died out years ago. Looks like there more alive than previously thought.

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