Evoke all you have, just listen to the cat

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Jellie was an unbelievably intelligent cat, much more then anyone would ever know. So it should be no surprise when she as the one who noticed something was off with a certain dirty blond.

The most telling thing was the aura he was giving of, it was one of a deep sadness, such a deep sadness no one should ever feel. There was of course the smaller stuff, how he would be alone more, how he'd constantly give of the slight scent of blood. All things pointing at something terrible.

So Jellie tried to get Scar to help, but he just thought she wanted to play. Same with all the other Hermits.

Which left her alone to help the hurting Hermit, which wasn't all to well since she was a cat and all that. But she noticed that her being with him was making him fell tiny bits better every time, so the gray tabby made sure to visit as often as she could.

It was all going good, until today.

Jellie was laying atop Grian's base (don't ask how she gets up there, she just does) waiting for said Hermit when the sound of crying filled the air. She looked up and spotted the owner of said base flying down to land, and tears where running down his face. Letting out a concerned meow, padding up to meet the Hermit where he landed.

"They didn't even notice," sobbed Grian, every word cracking, "And now I have this"

He motioned to his arm, the sleeve was ripped of and a patch of gray covered his shoulder. Jellie pawed at it, ears low. She miserably meowed at it as she continued with these actions.

"Hey, non of that," chastised Grian through his tears, "This isn't your fault, you weren't even there you silly cat"

Jellie just continued to gently paw at the patch of skin, why? She had no clue, it just felt right. She eventually fell asleep again, still cuddled up to Grian's arm.

"I better get you back to Scar," muttered Grian, looking up at the darkening, "But how do I do that without him noticing me?"

Deciding that he'd worry about that later he gently scooped up Jellie and spread his wings, taking to the skies to deliver back said cat in his arms. Halfway to where he guessed Scar would be the shrill shriek of phantoms entered his ears. Not now! He had his hands full, he can't fight them of whilst still holding Jellie in his arms!

But he knew he'd have to fight them of, so he shifted the gray tabby cat into his right hand (thank goodness he knew how to fight with both arms just as badly) and pulled out his sword with his left one. He raised the sword, ready for a fight, when one of the blue mobs struck his hand knocking the sword out of his hands.

Panic settled in then, his one mean of defense was sinking deep into the ocean, and he had no other weapon on him. He noticed one flying in to strike, so he did all that he could. And swung his arm out.

He expected to get bitten, but nothing ever came.

Looking up the first thing he noticed was how his hand was glowing white, the second was that three Vex mobs where floating around him.

And to his shock they seem to be protecting him! Shaking his head he flew of again, he could think about this later, right now he had a mission.

Scar's volcano got into sight and Grian flapped his wings just a little bit more, he wanted to get Jellie home as soon as possible.

When he landed Scar came running out of from under the volcano, "Jellie!"

As the Vex approach Grian held out Jellie, "I found her at my base, though you might like her back"

"Thank you!" said the brunette, taking Jellie from Grian's arms gently. It was then that he noticed some things, "Grian, Why is your skin gray?"

"Hmm?" hummed the builder questingly, letting out a little 'oh!' When Scar motioned at his graying arm, "This? Just a gray patch I got after fighting a raid, nothing big"

Scar glared at him, but didn't comment more on that. But he did comment on another fact, this time his tone being more sad and down, "Grian, do you hurt yourself?"

Grian froze as he realized what Scar had seen, his left arm was still uncovered, showing both gray skin and scars. He refused to look at the other, and was about to leave when a quiet little meow called out to him.

He turned back to look at the origin of the sound, Jellie. The cat was looking at him with such an intense gaze, almost saying "Tell him, tell him the truth"

"Fine," whispered Grian, the word directed at the tabby cat, "Yes, I do"

Scar looked heartbroken, and instead of saying anything he went up and tried to hug Grian. But the short Hermit avoided the hug, "I don't think so"

"Grian, please," pleaded Scar, tears gathering in his eyes, "Please talk to me"

"No!" shouted Grian, "I won't! Why would you want to talk to me now? Is it because I summoned those Vex's?"

"You summoned Vex's?" asked Scar eyes wide in shock, "How?"

"I don't know," hissed Grian, eyes shimmering green slightly, "It just happened"

"But back on topic, why would you hurt yourself?" asked Scar gently, eyes having a slight pitying shine to them.

Grian' glared, "Why? It should be pretty obvious, name one thing I've done this week"

Scar thought long and hard, but nothing came. And the other seemed to notice this too, "You can't tell, can you?"

Grian glared hard now at the Vex, "If you can't even recall what I said less than an hour ago, then I don't think you deserve to know even more personal stuff"

With that Grian walked away, intending to fly as soon as he reached the edge of the doc.

"Wait!" called Scar, running up to Grian, "You need help"

"Good think I'm getting it then," said Grian coolly, eyes narrowed.

"From who?" asked Scar, swatting at Jellie's paw as she tried to get down.

"From me"

And then he was off, to not be see for the next two weeks.

In that time Scar had tolde the rest of the server what happened, and they where all beating themselves up,for not noticing sooner.

After waiting they finally decided to do something and when to check his base, what they saw couldn't be described.

What will our heroes see?

An unmoving dancer, perhaps?

Or maybe a little blue friend helping out?

Who knows? This is all up to you after all.

<>Don't really like this chapter, it feels like, it's all over the place. It almost feels like, it doesn't have a plot. But hey, it's still made! So I might as well post it!

Have a wonderful day everyone<>

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