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Colby POV
Sam left me and I feel like crap, plus I can't get y/n out of my head know matter how hard I try. Its like she made a tattoo of her in my head.

Sam came back with a bucket, water, pills. "What are thoughs" I said now sitting back up. "Just PM ibuprofen, so here" hands he the water and 2 pills.
"Thanks" I lay back down. "Now just relax and try to sleep"
"Ok ok ok I'm trying." I said waving my hand for him to leave.
I closed my eyes just thinking and thinking a lot about what I did. I need to see her tell her somthing to show her I'm sorry. I slowly got up but my stomach was hurting and I felt dizzy. Who cares I'm going to talk to her. I vary slowly got to her door and knocked. She opened it.

"Oh Colby your so pale and sweaty, are you ok" she touched my forehead. "And your burning." she polled me back to my room makeing my lay down. " I just wanted to tell you somthing" I closed my eyes, I think the pills were kicking in.
"I didnt mean to kiss you I just I don't know why I did, I'm sorry just don't hate me." I said try not to fall asleep.
"I don't hate you but and thanks now you need to sleep." She rubbed her soft hand down my arm and gave me a smile then walked out.
So I fell asleep.

I walked to Sam's room and asked him if we are going to the store. "No I don't think we should until colby is better." He said.
"Ok just asking" I smiled and walked to my room. What do I do now. I guess ill go sit at the dock. I walked to the dock and sat on the edges putting my feet on the nice cold water. The blue water was  beautiful and reminded me of somthing, but what. My thoughts were stopped by Sam sitting next to me.

"Will you be ok with some one else coming here this summer" Sam looked at me then the water.
"You know its not my place so if you guys what some one else here it wouldn't bother me." I didn't think he would even ask me that kind of question, I mean its not my place. "Well your living here to so its your place to." I smiled so did he. "Like I said if you want other people here you don't have to ask me, but thank you though it means a lot." I kept a smile on my face the hole time.

We talked about times Colby and him were here with there family. And I found out that Sam and Colby weren't brothers, I mean they don't look alike but they sure act like they are. An hour or two past and we went back to look up on Colby.

I walked in to see he had threw up in the bucket and now was sleeping. Aww poor guy, wait did I just sorry for him...how. I went back to Sam. "He threw up in the bucket and he is asleep now." Sam went up to his room and cleaned the bucket.

            -----time skips to night-----
"Should we make soup for dinner." Sam asked me. "Yea that will be good for colby." I went up stairs grabbed shorts and a shirt then told sam I was talking a shower. I undress and hoped in to the nice worm water.  Like 15 minutes I got out and put my clothes on. Brushed out my hair and put it in 2 braids I walked down to see colby sitting at the table with sam eating and my bowl in between then since it was in a circle. I looked at colby. "You look better" I said, he gave me a small smile and took a bite, so did I. "I feel better."


Ok Peoples I think this is good and sorry if I messed up cause Its 1:30 In the morning and I need my sleep even thought I stay up to like 2 or 3 I'm tired now so ill go to sleep.
Love you byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee💜✌😂

People comment #NightOwl if your a night person or #EarlyBird if your a morning person.

Me:#NightOwl.   You:
Words- 744

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