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Colby POV
I felt y/n sleeping since she never sleeps.
Corey needed me to take  Georgie out of the house for the day. I seen Sam walk in to the house sad. "Bro whats wrong." He just sat down and looked at the wall.
"She said we weren't working out and pushed me out of the house." He said with sadness in his voice.

"Oh man hey its ok, you want to go with me and Georgie for lunch." I suggested.
"What about y/n." He looked at me.
"She sleeping and let her sleep she never gets to with the pills, they make her lose sleep." I told him.
"I can just stay here." He sat there looking sad and gave me a fake smile.
"Ok you should talk to her though, she will help." I say walking out with Georgie.

We went to Tender Greens. We ordered our lunch and then I started small talk with Georgie.
"So tell me about your self." I asked and she looked kinda sad.
"That's if you want to." She nodded and started talking.
"I lived in Nevada. My mom loved me but my dad he hated me. He said that my mom would only love me and not him.
So he umm he k-kill her and tried to kill to be he only got my shoulder."
She couldn't really talk louder then a whisper but I heard her.
She pulled her shirt down a little showing a scar on her shoulder, it was a by her collarbone to the top of her shoulder.
"Wow I'm sorry." I managed to say.

"Its ok he got arrested but I was scared of everything I was only 7 when it happened was put in an orphanage and nobody adopted because I wouldn't talk or nothing, I would cry and hide. So they took me to the mental place and thought that if I stayed there I wouldn't get the help I needed." She looked down at her lap.

"Don't worry your with us now and nothing will make you leave. We won't let anyone take you or y/n." I clarified, making her happier.
We ate our food with small talk and left to met up with Devyn.
Devyn took her and I went back home.

It was 4 when I got back.
I walked in to see Sam and y/n watching a movie. They were laughing when I walked in. They were watching Grown Ups, one of Sam's favorite movies.

When y/n seen me she ran up to me and gave me I big hug. "I missed you." She whispered in the hug.
"I missed you more." I said making her smile.

"I'm going to go to my room is that's ok." Sam said walked toward the stairs.
"Yea its ok but only if your ok." Y/n said.
"Yea I'm fine I'm just going to edit a video." He continued walking up the stairs.
I looked back a y/n and kissed her. She wrapped her arms around my neck and I pulled her closer.
When we pulled away our foreheads were toughing and we were smiling.
"Damn I love you so much. I whispered and she giggled.
"I love you too." She kissed me on the cheek and ran to the bedroom.
"HEY!" I yelled than ran after her.
I got to the room and she was had my laptop out in front of her.
She was watching mine and Sams videos.

"I like what you guys do its amazing." She stated.
"Yea we love doing that kinda stuff." I replied.
"Hey did you take your pills yet." She was looking for an answer.
"No um not yet." I looked at the pills and her. "Have you been taking them." I was mad a little and she seen it.
"No not today or yesterday night." She emitted.
"Y/n you have to take them your not supposed to stop taking them its not good for you brain." I said but I was just concerned and mad.
"Well your not the one who has to take them." She reaised my voice and I now that her anger and frustration was coming out.

She stood up and walked to the pills.
"I'm not taking these." She yelled, throwing them across the room.

I grabbed her hand and she pulled away, well tried to.
I pushed her up to the wall holding her hands against the wall. I put my forehead on her's and looked in her eyes. "Stop." I said softly.
Her muscles went soft. I calmed her down by telling her to stop. Wow she's amazing.

"Your adorable when you're angry." I leaned in and kissed her.
I let go what I pulled away from the kiss.
She didn't say a word.
"Now take you pills or ill make you." I smile when she walked over picking them up. I though she was going to take them but instead she opened the window and dropped them.

"I said what I said, I'm not taking them." She crossed her arms and walked out.
"Damn your so stubborn." I yelled in a joking tone.
I followed her to the kitchen.
"Ill make us dinner." I say going to the pantry.
"I'm going to the bathroom." She got up and walked away.
This was my chance.
I ran to were my window would be and looked for the pills. I found them and ran back in side.
She come out over the bathroom when I hid the pills behind a cup.

When I was done I put her pill in her food and gave it to her.
Awhile we ate she mumbled "Ow."
"Whats wrong." I thing she bit it.
"There's somthing hard in my food" whatever."
She replied.
She looked up after she swolled it.
"COLBY YOU ASSHOLE." She hit my arm when she seen the bottle on the counter.
I just laugh. "Hey your the one that made me make you." She was a little mad but ended up giggling.

I laugh while writing the ending. But this is long so that's good. Vote if you liked it.


Words- 1036

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