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Colby POV
"After Tyler heard we were in there. He had to get Georgie, so he went to the girls um ward yea and snuck her outside to my car." I stopped and thought about the rest.
"Oh yea, so he came inside and came to where we were. He kill about 7 guards and that doctor, he also turned off the machine because if he didn't you would of died." I looked at her shocked face.

"Really his gone?" She was shocked but happy.
"Yea and then we made it here you weren't awake cause of the shock but you here now." I smile as she did.

"So did they know we were missing or what." That's the part she really wantsd to know about.
"Ok so this is good, Tyler called the cops explaining what goes on at that place and most  people there were released and given either pills for what ever they have or therapy. The kids go to an orphanage well only if they past some kinda of test think, I'm not sure. The people that did got to be free like you got the really help they did.  I don't know about the adults." She was happy but cunfused.

"You are getting this medication and Ella will just have to have therapy.
In like a week there going to call use and we will go to a pharmacy and get your pills."
I explained to her.

"So I wouldnt have my out burst and it just keep me calmer?" She said with hope in her eyes.
"I thing so, not sure but it might help with your out bursts." She smiled and hugged me. I hug back.
"Why are you hugging me?" I didn't know what I did she was just happy and I loved it.
"Well I missed you and I might chance for the better." I kinda lost my smile when I looked at her.
"You know I think your perfect just the way you are, not everyone is the same. You have somthing that a lot of people don't get and that scares them. They heard the word different and see a monster, but they don't even know the real you. That's why I love you, your different in so many ways that different is normal for the both of us." She had tears welded up in her eyes.

"Colby this is why I love you so much, and that's why I always thought about you. I can't see myself with some then you." She kissed my cheek and stood up.

I looked at the door way because I had this feeling that's someone was watching me. I jumped when I seen that someone was there. "Sam what are you doing here. You scared me." I yelled jokingly. "I live here and I wanted food. I also heard every thing and I came up with a new merch idea. Called NEVER NORMAL." He was laughing but serious.

"That's really good actually." I said and he went to the fridge. Y/n came back and we went up stairs.

"Do you want to watch a movie and Georgie can come if you want." I suggested when we got in my room.
"Well Georgie's with Devyn and Corey hanging out so it would be just us." She smile and crawled under the covers. I grabbed my laptop and we chose a movie. half way in the she fell asleep.
So I turned off the movie laid down next to her grabbing her and pulling her to my chest.

I woke up to her crying I sat up and she wasn't awake. I shook her. "Y/n" then I guess scared her awake and she punched my face, really hard.
"Oww." I muttered.
"Oh my god colby I'm so sorry I didn't mean to I thought you were someone else." I was bent over my bed holding my nose as blood came put.
"Its ok I wake you up." I slowly get up not looking at her.

I went to the bathroom and blood was every were. She came in minutes later.
"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to hit you that hard." She apologized again.
"Well Tyler was right you are feisty." I laugh and I had a hot rag up to my nose.
"I didn't know it was you." She felt really bad but it wasn't her fault.
"Its not you fault I scared you it was just self defense and your just used to defending yourself, so I get it." I reinsured her. Her face was a little puffy and her eyes were bloodshot red from crying.

She looked at the mirror.
"Was I crying?" She asked.
"Yea that's why I woke you up, I heard you." I told her as I washed my face and the blood out the sink.
"Oh. I just had a bad dream." She didn't tell me to whole thing like somthing was missing.
"What was it about." I want to know.
"You, Sam and me were in this room and we were slit apart with glass I was by myself, I watched you and Sam get shot then all the blood, there was so much blood. I banged on the glass and cried. I guess it just felt so real."
She was sad and a tears rolled down her face. "I'm here and your know going any were."

This chapter was good it kinda told some of witch happened to Tyler and getting out. But y/n is she going to be ok I mean she had a bad dream and hurt colby. Will she over come her self defense or keep it.... Know one will know, but meeeeee.
Vote if you want I'm not making you.



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