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Your POV
That morning I laid in bed thinking. About random stuff until one thought crossed my mind. 'Didn't Sam ask me if some one could come here this summer, yae but he didn't tell me who and when...ill go ask him.

I get up and went to Sam's room knocking and asking to come in. "What up." She asked. "I was wondering who and when your friend is come, you didn't tell me anything other than you have some one coming." I said leaning against the wall. "Right we have this friend named Brennen and he's coming in like 5 days I think."

"Ok but I don't want him to um find out how I ended up will you guys and about my problems." I was thinking of a story on how I got here with them. "I won't and you should tell colby to so he's in the loop." He said. Then he yelled when I went to walk out. "Wait we are also going to the store today ok." I yelled back "ok" and when to Colby's room.

Colby's POV
*on the phone with brennen*

"Ok tell me when you get here." I said.
"Why, you know im coming." He wanted to know but I can't tell him yet.

"Cause ill tell you when you get here." I heard him sigh but laugh a little.

(The calls is still going when y/n starts talk not knowing colby was on the phone)

"Hey colby I need to talk to you about your friends" she yelled walking in my room. I looked at her and put my finger to my lips to make her quite.

"Dude is that a girl and is she talking about me." Dang it he heard her.
"Umm we will talk when you get here." Then I hang up.

*Ends call*

"I'm sorry I did know you were on the phone." She apologized to me.
"Its ok but he's asking questions now."
I said standing up to her. "So what did you want to say."
"Well I want you and Sam to not say anything about how I get here and my problems." She said little shyly. "Don't worry me and Sam can cover for you." I spoke softly to her. "Thank you, I know I shouldn't be here and is just--"
"No y/n your here for a reason and don't forget that." I said holding here shoulders. She was looking me in the eyes. "And why is that." She seemed so clueless but know what I was talking about. I got closer to her but my door swung opened.

"Oh umm sorry I'm just going to leave you to be." He said walking out. "No Sam its ok came here." Y/N yelled so he came back.

"What is it sam." I said a little annoyed.
"Brennen called me asking who she was and I hung up so now what do we do."
Sam said walking back.
"We can say I came with you guys or I stayed in the house went you guys are in L.A. for the winter or I'm like some ones sister." She stated and I thought that would be a perfect idea.

"Yea we can say shes Sam's sister that lived here." I smiled.
"But he's met my family I can't have a sister he never met." He did have a point.
"Yea and he knows my family more then ours." I added.
"Just say I'm like your half sister and you guys met me this year also and from there on." Y/n looked at Sam then me.

"That sound perfect and we can make it like we want to introduce them when he got here." I say.

"Yea ok, so y/n your my sister now how do you feel." Sam laughed.

Y/n giggles. "Like I really have a family." This made me smile.
"Ok lets go to the store now." Sam said walking out.
Ok Peoples if you liked today's chapter I want you to comment what you think is going to happen when brennen gets there.


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