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Your POV
"Ok Colby what do you think about the first house." He thought for like a second. I already now what house I thought was best for us. As we sat down at our table.
"I really like the first house it has more umm feeling I guess." I laughed. "What about the second house." He shook his head.
"That house was nice to but it wasn't as good as the first house." I nodded.

"I thought so to. I like the first house the most and the second one was nice and the pool was a cool surprise but Im thinking on the first house." I said truthfully.
"Well I think we have our answer." Then our waitress came.
We ordered our lunch and talked more about the house and stuff.

Then come the night time and we decided that we should go on a walked on the beach since we have never went there.

Now we were holding hands, walking alone the water.
"So do you think that one day we would ever have kids." He looked at me shock then chuckled. "Well one day I think we would some day but we would probably have to get married first." I smiled and nodded. "I hope we are still together in like 10 years." I looked up at the night sky.

"Oh and did you know all the roommate know we are dating." Colby laugh as I shook my head. "Well that's ok."

We sat on the sand talking, laugh.
"This is what I've always wanted, to love and talk and well be loved by someone and I'm glad its you." I say then he kisses me. "I'm glad I found you to love." He whispered. I rapped my arms around his neck. "We should come here more." I then kissed him.

We pulled away. "We should go now." Colby says standing up grabbing my hands.

It was like 12 at night and were we just getting home. We slowly opened to door. "So how we your night." His voice made me jump. "Brennen what the hell are you doing here." Colby yelled whispered.
"I was heard for dinner and I'm sleeping on the couch but I heard the door open to see you two seeking in so late." He said like I was his daughter.

"My god your not my dad." I say and whispers somthing under his breath.
"Ok well I'm going to bed bye." I grab Colby's hand and we walk up the stairs.
I sat down on the bed. 'Why was he smirking and why is he staying the night.' I thought as left to change so I should while he's gone.

I grab my shorts and and tank top and switch my clothes. Colby came in and pulled me to bed, I got to my side and Colby again pulled my to him making me lay my head on him.
"Good night, I love you." He shuts off the light.
"I love you more." He said kissing my head.

I couldn't sleep I was just so hot and it was 2 in the morning. I slowly crawled out of bed. Me being me forget brennen was here and I walked down stairs to get water.

It was dark but I knew were everything was. As I got water I felt 2 hands on my hips and someone pull me in and put rest there chin in my shoulder.
I jumped at first then now it was Colby. He turned me around and kisses me, of course I kissed back.
Something didn't feel right.
"Colby did I wake you." I asked but he didn't answer.
"Col-" he kisses me again.
Then I remembered Brennen was here and I knew for a fact that this is not Colby.
I pushed away and punched him on the face. A lot harder then I normally punch, probably cause I know it was Brennen.

"Ooowww you f*cking monster." He yelled and the hole house had to of heard him. I grabbed him slammed him to the ground punching him.

Every one came running down stairs to see me punching to living hell out of him. Then Colby ran and pulled me out him hugging me.
I started crying. "I t-thought it was you." I crying in his chest. Brennen laided your in him on blood, he got knocked out.
"What happened, did he hurt you." Corey asked as Sam and Devyn got towels.
I breathed not even wanting to look Colby in the eyes.
"I thought he was Colby." I said again hugging Colby more. I had blood on my hands and Colby didn't care.

Brennen woke up with Sam and Corey and Jake watching him all night. Me and Colby went upstairs to clean up.
"Y/n what happened." He held my hands, now that there clean. He wanted me to look him on the eyes but could I, no.
"Please I need to know what happened." He lofted my head making me look at him.
"I thought he was you and I-I." I felt tears run down my face.
"I kissed him back but when we were I felt somthing wrong and we pulled away. I asked him a question and he just
k-kissed me again then I remembered Brennen was here and I almost k-kill him." I seen Colby's face, he was hurt but then mad.

"Colby I'm sorry please don't be mad at me." I cried hugging him, he hesitated for a second then hugged back.
"I'm not mad at you but I get why you kissed back cause you thought it was me and brennen is a died man." He kinda yells to himself.

"Come on lets go to bed." He said.
"Colby I can't sleep and I can't think straight. I just almost killed someone again and just want to run and hit but I can't or hit somthing until I brake ever bone in my hands, that's how I solved every thing." I compressed with my voice a little higher and I was just so mad.

Colby POV
I seen she was mad but I don't know what to do. She wanted to run or hit somthing. She looked me in the eyes, her breathing was fast her eyes were like burning in to mine and she snapped. "I can't do this anymore." She yelled and punched  the wall next to her only ones, I was shocked that she didn't punch it more.

She put one big indent in the wall.
I grabbed her and this her over my shoulder. "Colby what are you doing, put me down." She lightly hit my back as I walked down stairs.

"Can you guys watch brennen and we will be back in a few hours." I asked the guys and they smile and nod.

I open the door grabbing my keys and put y/n in the passenger seat.
"Oh hold on I got to get somthing." I ran in said and grabbed y/n and I some cloths.

Ok peoples this was long and I think this was good. Were do you think they are going.
Vote if you like it.



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