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Your POV
Colby came back with clothes, my gym clothes and his. "Why did you get our gym clothes and is that were we are going." I asked and he laughs. "Yes I thing you should get your frustrating and anger out by exercising." I thought about that and it did seem like a good plan.
"This is what I would do to put out my anger." I smiled.

We pulled up to the 24 hour open gym and walked in. I had blood on my PJs so we quickly wentand changed. Then we payed. "What should we do first." I asked looking around and only 1 other person was here.

"Whatever you want." He replied so I walked over to the pull up bar. I got to one and Colby get one next to me and we faced each other. "Ready." He nods. We both pull up and were face to face, smiling. We go again and this time Colby kisses me as we were up, we go down then up and my arm muscles were feeling the burn.

After that we went to four other things and decided to go home and check on everyone.

"Hey guys you need to come here." That's what we heard when we opened the door.
"What is it." We ran to the to see brennen awake glaring at me.
"That little bit-" I cut him off. "Why the hell did you kiss me." I yelled. "I did you kissed me." I laughed. "No I kissed back cause I thought you were Colby." Everyone looked shocked but Colby and Brennen. "Don't lie to your boyfriend you smashed your lips on me, I tried to push you away then you got mad and started hitting me." He yelled all seriously of course I would never do that and who would believe him.

"Y/n is that true." Colby asked with hurt in his voice. "What no I would nev-"
"Stop lying you just want his to get rid of me so your making me the look bad." He cut me off. I looked back at Colby and he was mad and hurt. "I didn't do anything he is lying." Colby just a joke his head.

"Just don't talk to me." He walked out of the house with his keys.
I felt like crying but more mad that he took his side of the story. "Y/n did you really." Devyn said in a shock. "Why would I, I love Colby and if he really loved me then he would know that I would never do somthing to hurt him like that especially cheat." I looked at Brennen who was smiling and bloody.

I can't do this anymore. I can't control myself anymore. I tried to breath but I can't stop. Next thing I know I was on top of brennen choking him. I heard yelling , I felt hands on me trying to pull me away. Brennen's face was red and he also tried to push me away. I thought of Colby, he would never forgive me. I let go.

"You tell Colby to truth or ill kill you." I yelled and Corey pulled me to the ground and pinned me there. "Stop you were going to kill him." He said. I stared in his eyes. "I can't do this anymore I just need to die, know one would care, Colby doesn't even believe me and let alone love me." I cried out and Corey get off me.

"Y/n I care." I heard Georgie say from the stairs. "I care." I hear Sam. "We care." Corey said with Devyn. "Well me I don't know you as much but I think your a good person. So I care." Jake says.
"And I care about all of you but what ever I do know one would love me." I got up and walked out of the house. Colby was sitting in his car. Should I talk to him, no.
I walked out of the gate to were Colby was shot.

There was I faded blood stain. I sat on the curb looking at it. Why should I live, people like me weren't made for this world. This blood should of been mine and I should be in the ground.

I laid my head on my knees and breathed.

Colby POV
I walked to think. Y/n wouldn't do that, would she. No she's told me she hated cheating so Brennen is lying. The look on her face was hurt and pain. I know she didn't do it so why am I mad.

Then to door opened and she walked out of the gate. Should I follow her. I got out and walked to way she went. Then I was at the corner were I get shot and she was sitting there, knee to her chest and head on them.

I walked her and sat next to her. "Y/n." She didn't answer. "Y/n I know you didn't kiss him first and I don't even know why I'm so mad, maybe hearing him say you kissed him just made me hurt." She looked at me. "I would never cheat, I love you and if I ever did it mean you were done with or you were died but you were the first person that ever made me happy also loved me for me."  She spoke seriously.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you or even get mad it just happened. Please don't think I hate you becuase I love you."      She leaned in and gave me a hug.

"If somthing like this happens again we don't leave each other we talk it out ok." She whispered to me and I answer with yeah.

"Come on lets go back and we can get Brennen out of the house." She nodded and we held hands back home.

Brennen POV
Now that y/n and Colby are fighting I can get her to love me but god she can punch hard, I think she broke my nose.

"Well people I think y/n should not be with Colby if she's going to cheat." I say and everyone gave me this shut up look of ill kill you. "Shut up brennen we all know you kissed her first." Sam yelled.

Y/n walked in with Colby holding hands. Wait what, no they were fighting NO.
"So brennen tell Colby the trust or you know what happens." She said giving me this look.
"I did kiss her but she kissed back so she did cheat on you." I said as I way to put it. "Tell him what I said after we pulled away from the kiss." I sighed. I can't lie now, ill kill me.
"You said 'Colby did I wake you up'." She smiled and looked at Colby.
"See I thought it was you and brennen was lying." She said.

"Now get out of our house or ill call the cops and don't show up again." Colby yelled punting at the door.
I got up walking to it glaring at y/n the hole time.

Your POV
Every one came up to us and we all hugged. "I love all you guys." And every one laughed.
"Now that we are all down here we should have our house meeting." Corey says and we go to the couch.

"So me and Dvyen found a house and we did buy it, we want to let everyone know that we will be out of here with in this week." Me and Colby stood up to.

"Well me and y/n found a house and we were going to buy it today and move next weekend." Colny said looking at Sam and Jake.
"I guess I should tell you guys this now, I have a girlfriend named Katrina and we already have an appointment, she lives in it at the moment but she wants me to go live with her." Sam said looking down.

Jake stood up fast. "Wait everyone is leaving me, I don't even have a place." Jake said looking at all of us.
"Guys I can't pay for this house myself." He wined. We just laughed. "You can get an appointment by mine." Sam said.
He nodded. "So this is like the last week with the Trap House." Jake said sadly.
"Hey but we will forever have the memorys." Devyn said with a smile.

Ok peoples so know you and Colby had a fight and everyone is moving pour Jake didn't know but that's ok.
Love you guys and thanks for reading this far hope it was a good book.



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