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.....2 weeks later.....
Colby POV
I love this girl but she's been mad.
She cries all the time. I asked her one day and she said they won't leave. I don't know who or were they are but I can't stand her like this.

When I was down stairs with Sam we both heard her scream.
We ran to my room and this time she wasn't crying but in the corner. She had her knees to her chest and her hands on her ears as her head laid on her knees.
"Y/n what happened, are you ok." We sat in front of her.

"He hurt me. He has to pay." She said with no emotion.
"Who was it, Copper." I asked.
"It was Brennen, he told me I was a psychopath and he's not wrong." She stood up and we grabbed her arms.
"Y/n don't, if you do something bad they could see you as a threat and take you away again." Sam tried to convince her to stop but she just got lose from our grip and ran out the door.

"GOD DAMNIT." I can't fined her now.
"She don't even know were he lives." Sam said as we looked around by the road.
"I think she isn't taking her pills." Sam states.
"Well obviously." I though my hands up in the air.

"We have to go to Brennen's house and find her, maybe she gone his location." He said.
"Yea ok ill drive."
"No you can't. You can barely think straight." Sam got in so I didnt argue.

When we got there we stayed in the car and watched his house.
There wasn't anything wrong and she definitely isn't here. "She's not here please go back, Maybe she what back home." Sam agreed to head back. I glared at the house.

Now that we were home I yelled for y/n in the house. No answer. I walked around the house calling her. No answer.
Were did she go.

Then I heard her scream come from down the block.
I ran to the road, down the side walk and seen her being grabbed my people in black, trying to pull her in there van.
"WHAT TO HELL ARE YOU DOING TO HER." I yelled pushing one guy.

I didn't last long. At that moment I was trying to get her then a gun fired and a pain went though the side of my stomach.
I fell to the ground. I never felt this excruciating pain before. Lots and lots of blood poured out of my worthless body. Couldn't even help her.
Then my vision went dizzy as I heard screams and cries I couldnt help but close my eyes.

Sorry this is short but I had to leave it at that.... Well I didn't have to but I can and I did.

Tell me if I should make a book 2.
This is somthing I've been thinking about.
I can't end it how I will end.... I mean its not going to be a bad ending but I think I could you know add more... Only if you peoples tell me and I already have an idea but not sure yet.


Words- 542

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