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1 week later.

Colby POV
I want to see her again to know she's ok.
Sam left with Corey and Devyn to film some video. I didn't want to be apart of. Jake was at his brothers.
I texted Sam telling him I would be gone all day.

I got in my car and started my way to see her.
When I got there the people looked at me meanly like I did somthing. Did I. No oh well.
"Can I see y/n l/n." I asked. She nodded and called down security to take me up.
The one that came down smiled at me and walked me up.
"I hope you love her." He said I looked at him shocked. "What how did you know I um-" then was cut off my him. "I'm a friend of hers if I wasn't here she probably would be dead, not to scared you or anything but she is a feisty girl." He chuckled a little but I was shocked and scared now. She could really die here.

He walked me to were I was last time and then y/n was brought back in and her smile was every thing I wanted to see.
"Colby you came back." She smiled.
"Why wouldn't I." I asked a little scared for somthing. What if this guy and her did somthing, no no stop.
"I-I nevermind, I can't Wait to really hug you." She said a little sad but happy.
I seen she had bandages on her arm and knuckles.
"What happened to your hands and arm." I asked worriedly.
"I broke my knuckles again hitting the wall and I umm" she looked down at her arm and slowly unwrapped it. "I cut myself when I was in one of my out burst." She showed me it. I felt sick and like crying, HELP was cut into her skin, leaving scars the remaining word.
I felt tears. "Don't hurt yourself like that please." I begged. She nodded.
"I'm sorry at the time I didn't really care I was in the end of my out burst." She told me. "Ok but don't do it again." She nodded again and went on.
2 minutes past then I had to leave this time I told her to not fight and just walk to were ever she had to go and she did.

The same guy walked me down and I went to my car.

Tyler POV
"Hey I know it's short notice but I'm going to go home early I don't feel that well don't want to get anyone sick." I told the nurse but really I wanted to follow the boy. I needed to see were he lived for one reason.
I started my car and followed his on the freeway. We drove a long time like 3 or 4 hours. I don't even know if this is were he lived but I continued to follow him through this big neighborhood he stopped at a big house and a Green Gate opened then park his car and just walked inside.

I knew this was his house since you didn't even knock. I parked my car across the street I'm walked to the gate I stood there for a short while until some one came out and told me I had to leave.
"Wait can I talk to Colby." I asked throw the gate. "Hold on." A brown headed guy said and walked back in side. Then Colby walked out.

"Did you follow me, what the hell are you doing here." He was mad but I get it.
"Sorry but yes I did but its for y/n and I'm Tyler." His mad tone stopped to worried.
"What wrong is she ok." He said frantically. "Yes Im pritty sure she's fine but I want to get her out of there, she won't last long in there and I need to get her out before she goes in the adults ward. Then I can't see how she is." I told him he was cunfused.
"Wait your going to help her get out but why you people put her in there." He got defensive.
"Please I had a sister like her and she died in that place so I wanted to help y/n she's just a innocent person with problems like everyone else." He was happy that I was helping her.
"When can you get her here." He asked opening the gate for me to come in.
Then we talked about the plan.

Did anyone think that Tyler was good or bad, did I surprise anyone, no ok.
Lol hope you like this chapter its nicer then what I have done.



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