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I looked out my window when I heard a girl scream. Is that y/n, then I seen Colby running toward the sound. I went down stairs and started to run to the screams. Then a gun fire echoed there the small neighborhood. Know one else was going to the screams or the gun just me which was scary.

I turned to corner and seen Colby laying on the ground in a pebble of blood. I ran faster to him.
"Shit, shit, shit, Colby stay with me. Colby you need to wake up." I felt like crying but I had to help him. Get him to the hospital.

I call 911 and had a ambulance rush here. I tried to stop the bleeding by putting my hoodie pressed on his wound. He had a small pules.
"Colby please you need to stay with me. I can't lose you like this." I couldn't help but cry. I put his head on my lap and held my hoodie in place.

Finally I heard the sirens. They put him in a stretcher and we went to the hospital.

Your POV
I got the rope lose and looked at the gun.
I thought of a plan to get the gun.
I know.
With the rope I put I around the guys throat that sat next to me and started choking him, not that it would kill him but so he couldn't get me.
"Let him go." The guy up front had the gun now.
"Only if you give me the gun and one of your guises phones or ill kill him." I threatened them as I tightened the rope on his throat.
The man in front of me handed me his phone then the gun.
I let go of the rope and pointed to gun at there head one by one.
"I will kill all you guys if you move or try anything." I yelled and they shock there heads.
"Pull over and lock the doors." I demanded, so he did.
I called 911 to come and get now 3 kippnapers and told them they killed my boyfriend.
The cops were on there way.
"If one off you move I will shock his brains out." I grabbed his hair and held the gun to the guy next to me.
They were to scared to even talk.

"Please don't k-kill me." He wined.
"We were getting you back home." Another man spoke.
"No you were taking me to a place I left and you also killed my boyfriend while getting me." I was mad and they seen it.
"I-I'm s-sorry we didn't know." He spitted out. "So if he wasn't my boyfriend you just would of killed a person for trying to help me. Even though you could of just talked to me. But maybe just maybe one of you guys won't die today and I want you guys to remember why I didn't kill you guys. Because I will be the first person you think of when you rot in jail." I was annoyed and just wanted to kill all of them but somthing was telling me do not.

The cops showed up and I told them what happened. I didn't lie. I told them I did threaten them but I only did it to save myself. They get what happened and took me home. They were glad I got them because they been on the run for months.

I set in the back of the cop car and looked out the window sad and tears ran down my face, thinking I would go home and Colby would be got. It made me mad but I need to keep my cool sense I'm in a cop car.
"Hey little lad how did you get them to not hurt you." He seemed shocked to.

"You know all that people that were in the mental institution and were released to the would if they weren't going to hurt people." I questioned.

"Yes I do." He answered.
"Well I was one of them and I take these pills that make me not get mad at all. But sence they took me I haven't taken them and I felt mad again. I scared them and they lisoned." I looked out the window ones more. He didn't talk much but he said "well at least someone brave like you caught those bad people." He chuckled a bit.

I smiled and we pulled up to my house later on.
"The Police Department wants to give you a reward for catching for men we've been chasing for months. We think with each man you for 50,000 thousand. So you would get 150,000." He smiled and I nodded.

"Really thank you now I got to go bye." I ran to the door as he yelled.
"Just look in your mail box for a check from us." I yelled back ok and ran inside.

I didn't know what to do now. I called for everyone in the house but know one was here and only Jake's and Corey's car is gone.

(Ok so in the book just say they got y/n a phone ok I didn't put that in the story.)

I ran and got my phone from Colby's room.
I called Sam.

Peoples were did every one go well its kinda obvious. But if you don't get it then read the next chapter lol.



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