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Your POV
I was shaking and I seen my two best friends look helpless. I didn't want them to get hurt cause its my fualt that there here. Its my fault that they even know me and there here, stuck watching me get tortured like always.

Then this loud bang sound came from the chair as it turnd on. Then on the speaker Dr.Copper spoke.
"If you boys don't watch ill kill her."
My heart dropped. They had to watch me hurt and do nothing.
The machine went louder and I felt it.
I felt it shock my body. I screamed from the pain. I gripped the armrests, digging my nail in the hard cushion.
For about 15 seconds then it stopped at the sound of gun shots.

I cried hard watching and hearding her scream. It as like in a horror movie. When it stopped her head fell down and her hands let go off the chair. "YOU KILLED HER." I yelled, colby cried looking down now.

Then the door swung open and there was a guard.
"Its me Tyler I'm here to help get all you guys out." He ran to us. Is this that guard colby was talking about, I think so.

He unlocked the handcuffs that wear on the chains and Colby ran to y/n.
"Is she alive." I asked scared that she wasn't.
"She has a pulse." Colby says and in clipps the lace around her wrists. Tyler had shot the doctor and other guards.
Colby carried y/n while Tyler helped us out.
He shot two guards at the exit and we ran to colbys car. There was a little girl sitting in the back crying.
"Who is that." I asked hopping in the driver seat. Colby sat in the back holding y/n and Tyler in the passenger seat.
"I'm sorry but y/n said If I help her get out she had to have Georgie come to." Tyler then explained Georgie has a condition were she's scared of everything and she really did not need to be in there and she always stayed with y/n.

I drove as fast as I could to the house Tyler said y/n just needs to sleep and have her body iced for a few days.

Colby POV
When we reached the house I ran y/n inside on the couch I got ice put it in the tube. I started the cold water and waited.
Sam, Tyler and Georgie walked in, Well Sam ran and Tyler helped the little girl.

"What are you doing." Sam asked.
"I'm putting her in a cold bath."
I said picking her up. I didn't take off her clothes cause that's weird and we didn't have time.
I sat next to her on the floor keeping her head out of the water.

"She just needs to be iced for about 2 hours and then needs to sleep.... And did you know she would of died if I didn't turn off the chair. Dr. Copper wanted her to die in front of you guys, I don't know why but I'm sorry she got hurt and has all there scared I didn't have watch in the teens ward that day and I didn't help her like I promised." Tyler finished talk with a frown.
"It ok. Thank you for saving her today and the last 6 months. She really needed you there to help her." I reinsured him.

When the two hours were up I picked her up and placed her on the couch.
"Umm I can't change her, that's not somthing I should do." I said drying her off.
"I c-can, it wouldnt be the f-first time I've see her umm undressed. All girls change sometimes in the same room." She said shyly.
"Ok heres the sweat pants and hoodie." I handed her them and we all walk out over the room and outside. Coreg, Devyn were at the Devyn's parents for the weekend and Jake at Reggies house and every one would be back tomorrow.
"Thank you again she wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you. Your sister would be proud." I told him and he smiled when I said the last part.

"I'm um done you g-guys can come in n-now." Georgie said walking there the doorway.
"Ok thanks." I said and she flinched.
"Hey don't be scared none of us would never hurt you ok and I know that he was a guard at the place but he never wanted to hurt people ok please don't be scared of anyine here." I said her putting my hand my her shoulder and she did tense up but she smiled.
"Ok I-ill try." She said just above a whisper.

I placed y/n in my bed and I had Georgie sleep next to her so she wasn't scared to sleep. I slept on the floor.
Tyler said his goodbyes and we thanked him once more and he went home.

Peoples she's finally put over there now will she be the same or be different.
Hope you liked today's chapter vote it is made you cry.


Words- 872

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