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Colby POV
Sam wake me up at like 4 in the morning. "What the hell its only 4 I had one hour of sleep." I said pulling the blanket over my face.
"Oh well brennen will be here soon and we need to come up with a story why y/n has a cut on her head in the first place." He say pulling the blanket off me.
"I already thought about it, we were swimming and she fell on the dock and got a cut on her head from the fall." I said sitting up.

"Ok what about here hands." He said I looked at them they were swollen and bruised with cuts. "I'm not sure what to say about that." I say. Brennen will be here in 2 hour what do we do.

-----time skips-----

Brennen is about 10 minutes away and we can't think of anything for her hands.
(But in reality I can't think of anything so I will make it up as I go, ok back to the book.😂)
Colby was freaking out. He didn't want him to find out about her or that he likes her and brennen might take her. Yea he was talking out lond and didn't realize it then he got embarrassed and it was super fun.
"Wait did Colby Brock, the guy that will not date anyone for some reason, did he just say what I think he said." Was what I said to him when he said he liked her and I heard it clear, so clear that it was funny. I was having to much fun messing with him.

We heard the car pull up in the drive way. We ran to him and told him we needed him help like now. He followed us inside to y/n she was still asleep. "So who is she, some one tell me I need to know." Brennen said not even noticing the cut.

"Look we were swimming last night and she slipped and fell we need you to stich up her head." Colby quickly yells out. Brennen had a shocked look on his face when he seen the cut.
"What do you mean me why didn't you take her to the hospital yourself." He yelled out.

I look at y/n she was moving. "Guys be quiet." I whispered and pointed at her. They didn't say any think for a moment. "Fine get me the stuff." Brennen says grabbing a chair.

Your POV
I heard people talking and opened my eyes seeing a man I never seen before I jumped up quickly and Sam and him looked at me. "Its ok y/n this is Brennen and he's going to stich up your head now ok." He said in a calm voice. I nod and looked around. "Were is Colby" I whispered to Sam.
"He's getting stuff for the stitches ok." He said and I nod again. Colby finally came back and Brennen started talking to me.

"So this will hurt until I'm done." He said getting ready. "Its ok I have a really good pain tolerance." I said back. I looked at colby and he came to sit next to me. "I think you should lay down so its easier." Brennen said so I did. Colby let me lay my head on his lap and he held the flashlight for him.

He fixed me put and I hit my hand in my sleeves of a hoodie I put on when I woke up. (Look peoples I thought of something for her hands... Lol) "So you guys didn't tell me who y/n was." Brennen said later on when he had his bags and other stuff in the house.

Sam spoke up. "Well this is my half sister she's from my dad's side and we met her this year like 2 months ago. So we wanted to get to know her more and asked her to stay with us this summer." He said perfectly, Brennen has to believe him. "Wow this pritty cool." He said smiling. "Yea he's that big bother I always wanted and I can't want to learn more about him this summer." I said keeping up with the lie.

I noticed that Colby was quiet and was watching Brennen like the whole time. Whats wrong with him I should ask. I got up and walked to the stairs, colby was on a chair close to the stairs so when I got there I waved my hand for Colby to follow. He walked up to my room with me while Brennen and Sam stayed talking.

Colby opened and closed the door because of my hands. I looked at him he stared back. "So I noticed that you were staring at your friend the whole time, what wrong." We sat on my bed. "Nothing." He said looking away. "Colby I can see it."
"See what cause clearly you don't." He got up to walk out. I jumped up and grabbed his hand. Even thought my hands were bad. "Y/n your hands, be careful." He said grabbing them. I looked in his beautiful blue eyes. "What is it that I can't see." I finally said in the silence of the moment. "That I-I don't know how you do it or what it is about you that makes me like this." He said. "Like what playful, kind, smiling a lot or jealous when I'm around other guys other than you and Sam or is it that when I left, you went after me and waited for me. Colby I do see it but you don't think I do." I said as he looked shocked but he just smiled and then leaned in and kissed me. This time I didn't pull away I kissed back. I didn't think I could feel this kind of feeling it was somthing I felt with Colby, know body could ever make me feel like this only him.

We finally looked at each other and smiled. "I love you y/n." I was lost in his eyes but I know exactly what I said. "I love you to."

Peoples I think I'm going to die this was just so cute and I loved it so I hope you do to.

Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 💜✌😋


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