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Your POV
I woke up that morning and kissed Colby's cheek and he smiled. I got up and went to the bathroom.

I stood looking in the mirror.
Then at my pills, do I tell Colby I'm not taking them anymore or just let him find out and get mad but he will get mad even if I tell him.
I grabbed the pills and walked back to Colby.
I sat next to him looking at my bottle of pills.
"Colby." He just said "hmm." Still half asleep.
"I need to tell you somthing." He slowly got up putting his back on the headboard.
"What is it." He mumbled his words.
"Please don't get mad again." He seen the bottle and nodded.
"Your not taking them are you." I didn't say anything, I was waiting for him to yell or somthing.
"Its ok I get it." I was surprised.
"Really why now." He smiled.
"Cuase last time you didn't really give the pills a chance to work but when I was shot I seen you. You didn't fight back until the pills wore off. These things are stopping you from being you and the stronger you." He grabbed the pills and walked out off the room.

I followed him in the bathroom and watched as he dumped them in the toilet.
As happy as I was I thought about it.
"Colby what if I have an out burst and can't control myself, I might need them."
He flushed them down and gave me a big hug but not to hard, for his stiches, no e were pritty much all healed. "Ill be there to help you not the pills." I smiled and kissed him.
"Thats why I love you."
"I love you more." He replied.


Sam and Colby started yelling at each other for some reason. I heard them from down stairs.
Jake, Georgie and Devyn were with me sitting on the couch.
Corey left for the weekend with Elton. I don't really know who that is but yea.
"What's going on." Georgie asked.
"I'm not sure, ill go see." I walked up stairs but half way I stopped.

"He just wants to talk and yes I don't want anything to do with him either but why is that so bad." Sam yelled from his room. They were in Sam's room yelling.
"Because he's the one that wanted her in that hell hole." Colby yelled back, then I realized there fighting over me.
I listened as Sam wanted brennen to talk to us I don't know why and Colby would not allow it.

I knocked on the door then just walked in. I didn't like it and this yelling will make me go crazy.
"You need to stop yelling now or ill flip out and no one wants that." I sound serious.

"And I know you guys are talking about me and brennen. Your so loud the whole block could hear you two. Now I think having brennen here is not a good idea but if he wants to talk I will.
Plus ill just go all psycho on him ass if anything happens and I will." They kinda laugh but sat down.

"What does he want to say."
"I don't know he just texted me earlier and told me he wanted to talk, I'm not sure if he knows your here." Sam answered.

"I think this is a bad idea, what if he takes her away again or hurts someone." Colby was a little mad that I was taking Sams side but I wasn't I just need to know.
"Ok I think your right, me and Georgie can hide in like the down stairs closet and listen to what you guys are saying. If things go south ill come out and kill him myself.... I mean ill help you guys." Sam and Colby both laugh and then decided that it was a good plan.

The only reason Georgie would be with me is so if he did know she was one of the people at the "hospital" he wouldn't take her away to. So I could protect her if anything.

I hoped nothing goes wrong. Colby's is still healing and Brennen is stronger then Sam. But Jake I don't know if he's stronger or not we don't hang out as much.

We tolled every one the plan. Devyn was not to happy about Georgie with me and not like in her closet but then Devyn agreed only if she got to be down stairs to watch what happens.

Sam told Brennen to come over and everyone got I there places.
Now for Brennen to come here after what he did was hard for Colby to be calm. Colby told me what happened after I got dragged away. Brennen and him got in a fight. I was happy he foght for me but he got hurt to.


And Jake opened the door.

So peoples I think we are getting close to the end of the book.
Love you guys.



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