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I looked at Colby who was staring at the girl. "Wait we don't know your name." I say. "Oh yeah I'm y/n, I'm 18 and you are." She said looking at me. "I'm Sam and I'm 19." I say then look at Colby. "I'm Colby and I'm 19 also." He said but there was something that I never seen in Colby is he ok.

"Ok lets get your hands cleaned up and get you to your room and then me and Sam can unpack" Colby said walked to the bathroom. "I'm going to get our bags and then help you to." I say as y/n followed Colby slowly then I walked out.

Colby POV
Y/n didn't even flinch when I poured the rubbing alcohol on her hands. "Damn" was all I could say. "What" she said looking at me a bit confused.
"It's that your not even flinching and that just impressive." I said looking her in the eyes, thoughs beautiful hazel eyes.

"I just don't feel pain that much anymore and well that's good but a very bad thing for me." She said looking away. "Why is it bad." I asked. "Well I could hurt someone and not even feel there pain.....normal people would feel bad but I just don't and I don't really like it but I can't control myself, I give them pain and I don't feel bad but I could-." She says not even finishing her sentence. "Oh well don't worry ill teach you how to feel." I said that under my breath.

"What was that I did hear you?" She asked. "Nothing." I chuckle and wrap her hand up. Sam was walked in and helped with the other hand. We then took her up the stairs to were her room would be.

Your POV
I walked into a room that was mine and looked at the wood and little things here and there.

"This is way better then my room at home." I say sitting on the bed. "Yeah it's umm nice and if you need close me and Colby brough a lot and there's a washer and everything so you can use some clothes get your washed." The blond boy said and I shook my had.

"Thanks really I could of just went home or even sleep in the wood but you guys are letting me stay and your not even showing that your scared of me." I said looking down and sad at what I had said but was true.

"No its ok we want to help even if its not for long but I think your going to be fine here with us." Said Colby. "Thank you, and I'm sorry that I kinda just came into the house like that." I say walking to them. "Trust me your fine here, and me and Colby will just grab some close that you can wear." Sam said walking out of my new room and then Colby followed. "Ill be back." Colby yell from down the stairs.

.....Third person.....

"Ok now we are just going to have a psycho stranger with us... Wow I did not see that coming" Sam says as a funny joke but Colby don't like it.

"Shut up, she's not any different then us." Colby got defensive and mad.

"Jeez Colby chill I was playing." Sam puts his hands in the airs.

"Don't play like tha-" Colby got cut off by Sam say "Does someone like the new roommate." In a squeaky voice poking Colby shoulder.

"Yeah...wait no... I mean... I don't know." Colby's face when red and Sam just laughs. "Dude I was just playing but now I know you do like her."

"Shut up." Glares at Sam and walks away.
Sam yells "you didn't deny it."

"I said shut up Samuel." Colby shouted his real name to make him stop because Sam and Colby rarely used there really names.

"Wow cole I didnt know you were that in love." Sam laughed back and went to his room.

Colby sat on his bed and thought for a moment. I'm I in love with her, was it love at first sight. Wait what no.

Wow peoples you made it this far I'm so proud of you. lol thanks for reading.


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