From Rags To Riches: Chapter Sixty-Four

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Soon enough the visualization showed that of what appeared to be a restaurant, with Ralph, Anna, Matthew, Jessie, Melanie and her sister Jasmine all coming into view sitting around a table, with Ralph's mother seen on the other side of the table along with Rose who was seen sitting beside her, as they all had different sorts of things on the plates of food they had ordered, but this didn't seem to concern either of them; as Ralph's mother soon spoke out.

"Okay, so the private investigators I hired for you three, Melanie, Ralph, and Anna....they have been digging up all they can from the theft at Melanie's place- but so far have come up with nothing, no fingerprints, no evidence left behind fact, it's rather surprising to me that the police arrested you three, when there is SUCH a lack of evidence ...but maybe they just jumped to conclusions?" And with this Ralph shook his head, as he soon added.

"S-So what? we're still going to jail?"

"I wouldn't say that...they are still delving as deep as they can into the theft, it's just far it's getting them nowhere, but they are hired to do a fact THREE investigators looking into this they need to come up with something, otherwise I just ...I'm not sure what else to do." Ralph's mother explained, Rose appeared concerned before she shook her head and added.

"We're going to do everything we can to help you guy's okay? NONE of you are going to jail, or ..back to jail." And with this Melanie shook her head, as she added.

"But from the sounds of it, we need a plan B, what if I just admit to doing it all myself?"


"Wait, WHAT?" Matthew and Jessie questioned along with Jasmine before Melanie shook her head as she added.

"I know I didn't do it, that much is true...but if a jury thinks I DID do it, and I had help from Ralph and Anna... maybe I can convince them that it was just me, and at least let these two go freely." And with this Anna and Ralph exchanged looks before they looked at her with some shock, before Jasmine shook her head as she spoke out.

"Sister you'd be pleading to something you didn't do!'d be sent to jail for nothing!"

"..I know, but ...I've already hurt Ralph and now his life, his family ...friend's enough... if there is a way to make this all stop for them, then...perhaps it is best to take it," Melanie said looking over at Ralph who lowered his eyes a bit, as he shook his head and added.

"I can't let you do that Melanie." And with this Jasmine and Melanie appeared shocked looking over at Ralph, as Melanie soon spoke out.


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