From Rags To Riches: Chapter Thirty-Two

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The visualization soon showed that of Jessie and Ralph entering back into the car, with them both starting to seat belt; Jessie said.

"So I think that visit went out okay, don't you? I think it went good, I really do!"

"I think it went fine Jess," Ralph answered with a bit of a chuckle, as he soon added.

"And to think in a little bit I may be going to Paris."

"Wait, why do you get to go to Paris?" Jessie asked as she began to drive back home; with Ralph looking over at her as he shook his head.

"It's's nothing I just..I figured that maybe you would understand, considering I don't get enough time with Destiny anyways... I thought you'd-"

"Not enough time with Destiny? Ralph come on! you pretty much hog her all during the visit, ask her question's, talk to her..I can hardly say two words!" Jessie said cutting him off, as Ralph shook his head.

"What? I do that? no, no, no, NO you do!" Ralph said, as he soon added.

"I mean I get that she's your daughter and you're her mother..but come on, I'm the girl's father I should be able to do a couple of things with her as well you know!"

"You talk to her plenty Ralphy! PLENTY." Jessie declared as she shook her head.

"There isn't any way you are getting that ticket to Paris when I DESERVE it!" Jessie yelled as Ralph shook his head.

"IN WHAT UNIVERSE do you deserve the ticket!? you are the one who keeps hogging her, I feel like I don't have enough time with her, and going to Paris with her and Lauren would be the best thing, wouldn't it!? I mean think about it, I'm the girl's father so technically she won't feel any jealousy!" He said as Jessie shook her head.

"How would she feel jealous of me?'" Jessie asked as Ralph looked over at her with an almost annoyed look.

"REALLY?...REALLY you can't think of ANY reason why LAUREN our little girl's ADOPTIVE MOM would feel jealous towards the one she adopted's, BIRTH MOTHER?" Ralph asked as Jessie shook her head.

"Okay! okay! maybe there's a reason for Lauren to be jealous of me, but that's ALL the more reason I should be there!" Jessie declared as Ralph shook his head.

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