The following day thing's seemed to go out smoothly, Anna and Jessie had breakfast; and Jessie began to head off to her work, while Anna began to head back to the shoe shop that was run by Ralph, wondering what her first day was going to be like working as a shop employee, but she was willing to give it a chance and try her best!
The visualization of Ralph's shoe shop soon came into view, with various employee's all gathered around in the area, working on helping to sell shoe's; putting shoe's in their correct place's, and talking on phone's, the place seemed busy- but this didn't seem to concern Anna, as she was tasked with sorting the shoe's in their correct place's, namely men's shoe's in the correct order.
Anna was silent as she was working on putting a pair of shoe's up on a top part of a shelf, before she began to work toward's the middle part of the shelf, while she could hear various people talking around the area, she tried not to eavesdrop on their conversation's and focus on her work, but her mind was wondering onto various other thing's.
She was wondering how her ex WAS indeed doing without her, was he continuing to use the thing's she had created to further his own success, or was he doing something else to ensure he remained as wealthy as he was when she left? did he start dating again, if so; who was he dating? the woman he cheated on her with or someone else?
She wondered about Jessie and how she was doing with her job, what the mystery surrounding the little girl in the photo was- and so on, but she tried not to dwell too much on it as she continued to put the shoe's into their correct order's, before she soon heard a voice speak out.
"Anna?" And with this she swiftly turned to her right (hearing the voice come from there) as it seemed to startle her before Ralph soon came into view a bit of a distance away from her; as he tilted his head and rose a brow.
"Are you alright? seem a little distracted there girl." He said as Anna shook her head.
"I'm fine." She answered reaching down and grabbing another box of shoe's placing it into its place, as Ralph soon added.
"...Jess told me you may be a bit.."distant" because of the situation with your if you want to take a break it's fine.."
"...No, I'm fine..honestly." Anna said as she put another box into its place; before Ralph gave her a bit of a look, as he soon added.
"...You don't really sound it..." And with this Anna put another box in its place, as she sighed deeply and moved some hair out of her eyes; before she soon added.
"I've been getting a lot of people asking me about my ex lately..and to be honest, I DON'T want to talk about it okay?...the guy's a real jerk, that's all there is to it..he cheated on me, and basically told me to go live out on the street's because all I am was his typing monkey, making award-winning stories while he did all the work of ACTUALLY making them famous!...." And with this, she began to return back to placing the boxes into their places, while Ralph appeared shocked that Anna had just suddenly snapped at him.
From Rags To Riches.
NouvellesAnna a young woman who is a famous writer thanks to the help of her husband Johnthan who knows how to promote her works, has a rich life- a loving husband, and everything she could ever ask for- until one day she catches her husband cheating on her...