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No ordinary rejection
Sandra Wooley

"Oh my God! We are graduating in 2 hours!" Lisa squealed. "I just wish Jason could be there." She pouted. Wow this girl and her mood swings! my wolf Aria snorted.

"Lisa you know he wants to wait until his party to see you. This is his 21st birthday and he will know who his mate is." Kyra tried to sooth her. "I called him this morning, he plans to stay in his room until the party so he doesn't come in contact with any she-wolves."

"I know. Kyra I just feel it in my heart that he is my mate. I love him so much!"

"I know you do. No matter what happens I will be by your side."

"Oh Kyra, don't worry, we have been in love since freshmen year. I think the Goddess brought us together."

"Ok Lisa, let's just concentrate on the graduation. Now let's do our hair and makeup so we're not late. Okay?"


We had just said goodbye to our parents and I was dragging Lisa, trying to navigate the sea of bodies, to get to the parking lot. I couldn't wait to get to my car. My parents gave me a BMW 325i for graduation!

"Kyra!" I looked around and saw Mitch waving at me as he ran over. Mitch would be Jason's Beta when he took over as Alpha.

"Hi Mitch! What's up?"

"Are you coming to the river? It's going to be a great party." He smiled.

"I wouldn't miss it! But I promised Lisa I would stay with her until she found out if they are mates." All of our friends knew that Jason and Lisa were counting on being mates.

"Yeah, everyone is waiting until after the mating to go."

"Come on Kyra! I want to get ready for the party!" Lisa was getting impatient.

Kyra laughed, "Sorry we gotta go. I'll see you later."

They jumped in her car to head to the pack house. After a few minutes Lisa dropped a bomb. "You know he has a crush on you." Lisa smirked.

"He does not!" Kyra protested. The blush spreading across her face quickly.

"Yes he does. The only reason he came to graduation was to see you. Jason told me yesterday." she giggled.

"Shut up. We're here." They got out of the car and headed into the pack house. "I'm hungry. Why don't you head up to my room and I'll grab something real quick." Lisa ran up the stairs, Kyra laughed at her enthusiasm and headed to the kitchen.

Kyra found some leftover meatloaf and decided to make a sandwich. "Is there enough for two?" Startled Kyra turned around and laughed. "Alpha, I didn't hear you come in."

He chuckled, "That's not good for someone to sneek up on a wolf."

"Sorry, I've got so much on my mind with the Jason and Lisa situation."

He stopped and looked at her, then nodded. "What if you are his mate?"

"That's not likely. I'm the daughter of a pack doctor. More likely that it will be an Alpha or Beta female. Since Lisa is a Beta, I'm sure it will be her."

"You are still a ranked female. Pack doctors are Gammas." He winked at her, took her sandwich and walked away.

"Hey! that was mine!" She could hear his laugh down the hall. Kyra sighed and made another sandwich and headed upstairs.

"What took you so long? The party starts in an hour!" Lisa was running around the room. Kyra took her sandwich and sat down on her bed. "Would you chill. We have plenty of time. Besides I don't function without food."


The party was in full swing. Jason was surrounded by females, all touching him hoping they were his mate, only to walk away disappointed. Lisa and I sat in the back corner of the lawn to watch. She was getting more excited as each girl walked away. "Why don't you just go over to him."

"No way Kyra! Jason and I agreed. I would be last if he didn't find his mate. We will meet in private, before we touch."

"So you're saying you rushed me to get dressed only to sit in the corner?" Kyra playfully glared at her. Lisa laughed.

"Since our night will be in a corner, I'm going to get something to drink. Do you want anything?"

"Whatever you're having will be fine."

When she got back Lisa was a nervous wreck. "What happened?!" She handed her a drink and she downed it in two gulps.

"See that girl. She's holding his hand and they've been talking since you left! Oh My God! What am I gonna do?!" Her big blue eyes were glassy with tears.

"Calm down! look she just walked away." There was only one girl left. Soon she left too.

Jason looked across the lawn to Lisa, smiled and walked into the pack house. "Okay this is it." Lisa's voice was shaky. She got up and walked to the pack house.

"Guess I'll have another drink just in case." I walked over to the bar and sat down. "Large vodka straight" I took two gulps of the burning liquid before Jason called me.

Come to the office and hurry!

I ran into the pack house and almost fell, damn heels, rounding the corner to the Alpha's office. I burst into the room and Lisa was on the floor sobbing with her head on her knees. Jason was sitting next to her looking shell shocked. I ran to her and pulled her in my arms. I looked at Jason, he shook his head, "We're not mates." Then he lowered his head.

"What am I gonna do? I love her so much." I reached over to comfort him and jumped when I felt the sparks and tingles. Jason's head snapped up and we both said, "MATE".


Jason was pacing the room and I just sat with my mouth hanging open in an O. "Ok...Kyra I know you are my mate, but I love Lisa. I can't reject you or the pack will know. You will have to move away. When the bond has broken I will mark and mate with Lisa. We will go back out and call everyone to announce the Mating. That will give you a chance to leave."

"You're going to banish me?! I can't be a rogue!"

"No Kyra you don't understand. You were going to college anyway. Just leave early. You said you wanted to go to Harvard. I will pay for everything, including a nice apartment." All I could do was nod. Jason took out his cellphone and walked over to the desk.

Lisa moved closer and took my hand. She wiped the tears from my face, that I didn't even realize were falling. "I love you Kyra. I will miss you so much." My voice would not work. I squeezed her hand.

"Ok everything is set. Your plane leaves in 2hrs. I talked to Alpha Haynes, he has some luxury apartments near the University and he has agreed to sell one to me. He will also pick you up at the airport."

"What about my car?" I whispered.

"I'll have it shipped to you and on Monday I will call to take care of your registration. We can't have any contact until the bond is broken. If you need anything call Mitch and he will let me know."

I got up and walked upstairs to pack. I was almost finished when I heard the shouts and cheers. My heart shattered. Aria was howling, our mate doesn't want us!

Pix is of Kyra. if you like the book, please vote⭐️, follow, comment and share.

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