I Dont Need A Man

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Selena's POV

These past few years has been hectic for me. I've dealt with heartbreak from my nearly death experience when I had emergency surgery for my kidney's. I've done the heartbreak by getting back with my ex boyfriend Justin after me and Abel both agreed to take a break. I rejected Justin's proposal and tried contacting Abel but failed when he told me to never contact him again and that he was back with Bella. Yeah... it's been too fucking crazy.

"Did you hear about Abel and Bella aren't on good terms?" Selena's cousin Priscilla asked. Selena isn't on social media as much as she used to and deleted Instagram from her phone which explains why she isn't the most followed person on Instagram anymore. But once she posts something she ends up breaking records such as the most liked photo within 8 minutes but she doesn't care about all of that. "No... you know I'm not on social media like that."

Hearing that made her feel good a little because she feels like she has unfinished business with Abel but she knows it'll take way more than a "I'm sorry" to get him back if he was to be single again and if he would want to get back together with her. And she knows the media likes to make up rumors so she wasn't even sure if it was true that they weren't on speaking terms. "I'm sure the media are making up false rumors about them."

"I don't think it's false" Selena's cousin told her while sitting down before taking a sip of her wine. "Yeah that's because you want it to be true." Most of Selena's family and friends all loves Abel and there's some who loves Justin. After the Abelena break up most of them sided with Abel over her. "And you don't? Don't act like you wouldn't be happy if he was to be single again. Girl that man was your Mr Right. He should've been at my wedding."

I knew she was sorta right but I don't wish heartbreak on anybody. I know if they were to break up, Bella wouldn't be alright because I wasn't alright. I went to Justin to try to make me feel better but instead it made me miserable. Abel is a great guy, any woman would be lucky to be his.

"So are you going to call him or not?" Priscilla was 1 of many people who wanted Selena to get back together with Abel. "Priscilla, no!" Priscilla didn't like to hear that. She kicked her feet in the air knocking her sandals off by accident as she pouted. "Why not? Don't you want to be happy for once?"

"Who said I wasn't happy? I am happy! I'm the happiest I've been in the longest time but I'm not about to chase nor wait for a man." Priscilla sighed and shook her head not knowing if she was going to regret what she was about to say or not. "You wouldn't have to chase or wait for a man if you haven't let Abel slip away." And just like that, Selena stood up and walked inside.

To Be Continued

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