Someone New

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Selena's POV

Romeo has always been the most gentleman and sweetest guy towards me. I know he didn't like to see me run back to Justin all those times but he continued to love and support me like Francia said. She told me he was back in town weeks before his 30th birthday after filming his movie "Monstah" in Australia. She told me he was at the gym so that's exactly where I was going.

Romeo was bench pressing when Selena walked in. He was the only one there. A smile formed on her face seeing how easy it was for him."Looking good Percy" she shouted once he set the weights on the rack. She chuckled seeing how his face lit up when he saw her. Percy is his real first name and Romeo is his middle name but he has always gone by his middle name since he was little. She was the only one to call him by his first name jokingly. "Sel!" He stood up from the bench and rushed over to her giving her a hug. "Someone is happy to see me" she chuckled as she wrapped her arms around him. "How could I not be?! Not every day I run into you at the gym" he chuckled before pulling away from the hug. "But Percy? Really?" They both laughed. "That is your real name and we didn't really run into each other, Francia said I'll find you here."

"You were looking for me?" He asked a little confused but happy at the same time. "Yes, it's been awhile since I've seen you and I need some male advice to be honest." Romeo sat down on the bench scooting over so she could sit besides him. "So what's up?" He looked over at her waiting for her to talk. "If you broke up with someone and later on regretted it, would you go back to that person or move on?" Selena asked him as she watched him waiting for his answer. "It truly depends on the situation. Honestly, I wouldn't because it ended for a reason. Don't water anymore dead flowers. The only thing you'd regret is the good times. But you can create even better times with someone else. Why you asking?" Romeo was looking in her beautiful brown eyes while they talked. "Some of my friends and family are wanting me to get back with Abel."

"No disrespect but it isn't their decision. Their opinions don't really matter. All that matters is what you want, love." Selena nodded before laying her head against his shoulder. "I love Abel but I can't go back. I want a fresh start with someone else. Besides, I contacted him and told him sorry after hearing Call Out My Name but he blew me off and told me he was back with Bella and wanted nothing to do with me after he promised we'd remain friends."

"He was just acting out. He let his ego get to him but at the end of the day you just need to do what you want." Selena lifted her head from off of his shoulder. "That's exactly what I'm going to do. I just don't want to go home right now. Raquelle was playing Justin's Boyfriend music video over and over again. I just need to be away right now, you know?" Romeo nodded in assurance. "Well I'm done with my workout, if you want we could go to my condo and just eat snacks and talk." Selena and Romeo both give each other great advice when they need it. So he knew she wouldn't turn down an invitation like this. "I'd love that" Romeo stood up and held his hand out seeing her place her hand in his as he helped her up.

Selena followed Romeo to his condo. He made popcorn for them and they sat and talked for hours on the couch. "So why are you still single? I never understood it. You should be married by now." Selena's body was at an angel facing him as her arm was placed against the arm rest staring at him. "I could be saying the same thing about you. But I'm not trying to rush into anything. Yes I have baby fever and would love to settle down with someone but I have my entire life to be with that woman of my dreams." Selena nodded before looking at the time on her phone seeing it was 3:00am.

"Wow! I can't believe it's 3:00am." she was exhausted and wasn't up to driving home this tired. It's like Romeo read her mind because he offered her to stay. "You can stay here for the night if you don't feel like driving home. I can sleep on the couch and you can sleep in my bed." Selena didn't want him to sleep on the couch but she was too tired to have a debate because she knew he wouldn't sleep with her because he's a gentleman. Romeo walked her to his room. "If you don't want to sleep in your clothes you can find some shorts in my drawer and a T shirt in my closet."

"Thanks Rome" She said before kissing his cheek. He smiled a little at her before walking to the door. He looked over his shoulder at her "Goodnight Sel."

To Be Continued

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