Truth or Dare

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Selena's POV

How do I manage to break two guy's heart in the same exact day. I felt terrible about it because I knew I was going to break one heart not two. It's been a week since I broke their heart and since then I've been trying to get ahold of Romeo but he wasn't responding. I even came by his place and he wasn't there. He must really hate me but I don't blame him.

The girls were laughing except for Selena while Raquelle was twerking badly on Theresa. They were playing truth or dare. Ashley noticed Selena had her phone to her ear. Selena was trying to get a hold of Romeo again but he wasn't answering and returning her calls which was stressing her out. "Sel, Truth or Dare" Ashley asked Selena. Selena shrugged and said truth. "Is it true that you saw Abel?" Raquelle asked Selena. Selena placed her phone down after the 3rd time trying to call Romeo and him not picking up. "Yes, I did." Her friends got excited wanting to know the details and if they were going to get back together. "I needed closure and that's what I got."

"So are you getting back together?" Theresa asked her not getting the memo. Selena shook her head seeing their faces drop. "He doesn't want you back?" Selena knew how much that would've made her friends happy but she needs to do what's best for her. "Yes he wants me back but—" They were all confused so Theresa interrupted her. "Then what's stopping y'all from getting back together?"

"Abel is not who I want anymore." Her friends were chatting to each other as if Selena wasn't there. "Shouldn't my happiness matters? I know he treated me very well but that relationship is in the past now. We grew apart." A few sighs escaped her friends mouths. "Okay you said he's not who you want anymore. So who is?" Selena knew it was time to tell her friends the truth. They know her and Romeo have been hanging out but they thought it was just a friendship type of level like it has always been. "Percy.."

"Huh? Who is that?" Selena laughed because people either know him as Romeo or Lil' Romeo not typically his first name. "Romeo Miller" She watched her friends mouths drop. They were completely shocked. They didn't expect her to say him so they were completely shocked. "When did this happen? I know y'all went to Universal Studios and got ice cream together but thought it was just as friends." Theresa demanded answers. Selena sat back in the couch thinking about the amazing night they had. "It was a date that turned out to be an unforgettable night." Selena smiled to herself remembering how special he made her feel.

"I know that look! You two fucked!" Theresa pointed out which caused Selena to laugh. She shrugged her shoulders with a smirk on her face. "I'm not saying anything." The girls wanted to know more details about what made her want him all of a sudden again. "Truth or dare" Theresa asked Selena. "I plead the 5th." Theresa wasn't giving up until she knows details. "Truth or dare bitch!" Selena thought it was hilarious how desperate her friends were. "Fine truth" Theresa wasted no time asking her friend the million dollar question. "Did you fuck Romeo?" Selena saw all eyes were on her. "No" they knew she was lying. "Bullshit! We know that damn look you fucked him and we-" Selena cut her off immediately. "We made love."

"What's the difference? Either way his dick was in you. Was it good, was he good?" Raquelle asked seeing Selena chuckle as she bit the bottom of her lip shrugging. "I don't kiss and tell." They were whining. "Gosh okay calm down. And for the record there is a difference between fucking and making love. I fucked Abel, I fucked Justin, but Romeo.. we made love. He was beyond gentle. And he was patient, he was beyond good. I give him a 10+. Since then.. I just can't get him out of my head. I miss him." Selena looked down remembering her walking out on him to go see Abel which gave Romeo the wrong impression. "What happened?" Raquelle asked her and Selena explained herself from start to finish. "Well all I know from Instagram is that he's in Australia for his birthday and to shoot some movie."

"I didn't know he left LA.." Selena was missing him like crazy. "I think he's been there for a week now." Selena knows since it's been a week he's been in Australia, he left right after she left him for Abel. It made her feel terrible and her friends saw it on her face. "Truth or dare Selena" Selena was tired of playing the game especially since they were only asking her. "Can't you ask someone else she told Theresa." Theresa shook her head which made her sigh. "Fuck it, dare." Theresa smiled because that's exactly what she wanted Selena to say. "I dare you to get your ass on a plane and go get your man."

"Yeah girl, you deserve a guy like Rome. He would never hurt you and would protect you by all costs. Yeah we love Abel but we love Romeo too and knew him longer. He has never betrayed you or talked down on you." Raquelle told Selena. "He isn't my man... he's done with me. That's why he's not responding to my texts, answering my calls, I fucked up." She shook her head in frustration. "Bullshit, if you surprise him by going to Australia. It'll show that you chose him and that's love just you going out of your way to see him." Theresa and the girls were trying to make the situation better for Selena. They wanted her to be happy and they know right now she's not because her happiness is in Australia.

"You have witnessed men chasing after you for years. Maybe it's your time for you to be the chaser. So what's it going to be Sel? Are you going to Australia and allow that man to love you like he's been trying to do for the past years or are you going to just stay here feeling sorry for yourself for not going?" Raquelle has always been a fan of them getting together but she knew Selena always loved Justin. Now that she's over Justin and Abel she feels like if Selena doesn't go for him then it'll never happen. "I agree but do anybody have some gum?" Ashley asked Selena.

"Let me check my purse." Selena was searching in her purse for some. She pulled out what she thought was the pack but instead it was the ticket that Romeo bought her. Her mouth dropped with her hand covering her mouth. "What is it?" Ashley asked her a bit confused with her sudden reaction. Selena held the ticket up. Theresa took it from her and saw it was the ticket but it expired since it was from last week. "I'm so stupid..." She knew if she would've just stayed and would've ignored Abel's phone call she'd be in Australia right now with Romeo. "It expired but doesn't mean you can't get a new one. You're Selena fucking Gomez. Don't make an old ticket keep you from getting a new one. No more huffing and puffing, get your man." Theresa told her.

To Be Continued

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