Doctor's Checkup

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"I'm happy for you bro, you have always wanted to be a father. You always said you don't want to be a father to someone who you don't see yourself marrying." Marcus told Romeo while they were on set. It was below zero in Australia so they both were bundled up. "Yeah and speaking of marrying... I'm thinking about buying her a ring. You don't think it'll be sudden, do you?" Romeo looked over at his friend wanting some advice. "Not really. You got her pregnant so regardless you two are stuck with each other for life. I know how much you love her and she seems to love you the same exact way so why not?"

"Yeah I'm thinking about buying her a ring and keeping it until the right moment. The fact that she'll be the mother of my first born means the world to me. Like it feel so unreal but I deserve this. I waited long enough for her." Romeo rubbed his hands together before asking Marcus to go ring shopping with him. "Of course I would bro."

Meanwhile Selena was in LA at her doctors appointment. "It appears that you are 3 weeks pregnant. I checked your medical history and see that you have a history of depression and anxiety. Also you have lupus which you was diagnosed back in 2015. Also I see that you have had a kidney transplant back in 2017." Selena was extremely nervous she fears that her medical history is going to bring harm to the baby. The doctor must've seen the look on her face because he gave her an answer that was a huge weight lifted off of her chest. "But don't worry it will not affect the pregnancy or the baby. If you would've gotten pregnant a little after your kidney surgery then you would've had to be a lot cautious but everything should be fine Ms. Gomez. Accordingly to your menstrual cycle and the date of your pregnancy, the due date of your baby boy or baby girl will be March 29th."

Selena made sure she called her boyfriend right after the appointment. "Baby everything went well. My actual first appointment will be next month on the 21st. And our baby boy or baby girl due date is March 29th" Romeo heard how happy she was through the phone which brought an even bigger smile to his. "Baby that's great news, I am so excited for this process." Romeo was talking to her while looking for a ring for her. "Bro look at this one" Marcus told him which made Rome bring his finger to his lips. Romeo started looking at the 14K diamond ring. It looked just like the watch she bought him. "I love you and I miss you so much. I just want to be flowered with kisses." Selena told him. "Baby I'll be home soon and I'll run you a nice bath and while we're in the bathtub together I'll give you one of my massages."  Romeo knows how much she loves his massages. He's so good that if he was never in the business he would've been a massage therapist. "Ooo it's a must!" She giggled through the phone. "I love you baby, thank you for being so patient with me and never giving up on me even when you should have."

"Babe, I told you before. You were worth the wait. I would've spend a life time waiting for you because you're worth it. I knew you'd be mine eventually, I just knew I couldn't give up on love. But that's old news now, we need to just focus on us and the baby." Selena smiled through the phone wondering how she got so lucky to have a man like him love her so much and wait nearly a decade for her. She knew whatever he throws at her she will accept because she was done trying to find the right guy when he's been the one for her this entire time.

To Be Continued

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