God's Strongest Soldier

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"Selena! Selena!" Raquelle was tugging on her arm. "Wake up!" Raquelle was rubbing her arm as tears were falling. Selena woke up looking at her friend confused. "What, what?" Raquelle had tears falling from her eyes. "It's Rome..." Selena sat up quickly seeing her friend cover her mouth with her hands.

Selena came running out the house as police lights were flashing in front of her mansion. Her BMW was moved to the side and it was smashed between the drivers door and the back door. Her heart dropped when she saw her boyfriend being pushed into the ambulance banged up. "Baby!!" She cried out loud as she ran over to him. "What happened, tell me what happened!" She cried out loud as the police grab her. "Let her go, that's her boyfriend" Marcus cane rushing over to her. He was notified about what was going to happen. So he came over, he was actually standing behind the car when it all went down. They weren't going to let her in the ambulance but Raquelle was there and told them to let her go with him. Selena got in the ambulance as she saw the side of his right face cut up, bruised, and bloody along with his whole right arm full of cuts and bruises. She was sobbing as her hand was against her mouth and her other was holding his bruised and bloody hand. "Baby please say something to me, please baby, please..."

Selena sat in the waiting room with her elbows pressed against her knees and hands gripping her hair as she was crying. Raquelle walked in along with Theresa, Ashley, Petra, Anna, Courtney, and Romeo's father, mother, and siblings. Also his cousin Marlon and best friend Marcus. "What happened? Is my baby okay?" Sonya, Romeo's mother said. Selena stood up as the tears kept falling, she shrugged because she really doesn't know. "I don't know.. I'm sorry " she choked out as she sobbed hard as his father Master P hugged her. "It hurts but we can't cry right now, we must pray. Pray that he'll pull through this." He told her as she continued to cry.

Nearly 2 hours later the doctor walked in to tell them some devastating news. Romeo is in a coma also suffered from two broken ribs, a broken leg, and his neck is also broken but he will pull through. Selena was devastated and didn't want to see him right away because she was too sad and angry. She needed to know what happened. Who put her man in a coma. Her gate was opened, her car was smashed from someone hitting Romeo into it. She needed answers. Everyone has gone to see him while she sat in the waiting room. Marcus left to go see her. Marcus sat next to Selena who had a blank expression on her face. "One of Justin's crew did it." Marcus told her, she slowly turned her head to look at him. "Justin messaged you Romeo pretended to be you so that he could teach Justin a lesson. Romeo punched Justin and warned him to stay away from you next thing I know a car sped through the gate and I yelled out his name as I got out the way but it was too late... it slammed him into your BMW hard."

Selena had no idea what to feel but she stood up and looked down at him. "I'll see you later.." she was about to turn to walk away but he grabbed her hand and stood up. "Where you going?" She stopped and looked at Marcus, "I'm going to handle something." Marcus was worried as much as he wanted to hurt Justin and the person that did this, it wouldn't solve anything. At the end of the day, Romeo was still in a coma. "Handle Justin and the person that did this?" Selena shrugged. "It won't solve a damn thing Selena. Romeo is in that room fighting for his life, you need to be in that room with him. He needs you right now."

She was completely heartbroken. She couldn't get the image of him in the ambulance from out of her head. She knew no matter what happens to Romeo, nothing will happen to Justin so she knew she had to do something. "I'll see you later, okay." Selena turned around walking towards the doors as they opened up. "What about your baby? What good is he or she going to be when you're in prison for probably murder or whatever you might do? What if Romeo wakes up, how is he going to propose to you?" Selena stopped when he said that. "I shouldn't even be telling you this but he got a ring for you in Australia because he wants to propose to you. Selena I know you're hurting but—" Selena walked through the doors as he was yelling out her name. "Selena!" He put his hands on the back of his head before looking at the tv.

Breaking news: Justin Bieber and his friend arrested. Justin and his friend turned themselves in. They could be charged for murder or attempted murder also a misdemeanor.

To Be Continued

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