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"Are you serious?" Taylor asked Selena with a shocked yet concerned look on her face. Selena was explaining to Taylor on FaceTime. "How in the hell did he know that Romeo hasn't been speaking to you?" Selena shrugged before sighing. "I just wish he'd talk to me. I have no idea what I did... I miss him so much. I can handle being ignored by family, friends, but no him. Something about him... things are so different now Tay. I just don't know..." Taylor smiled as she looked at her friend. "You're in Love that's why. I can't wait to go on double dates." A smile formed on Selena's face, the thought of her and Rome going on a double date with Taylor and Joe made her heart skip a beat.

"Okay, I get it. I obviously did something wrong for you to not talk to me... I'm sorry for whatever it is that I did but please just talk to me. My heart can't take this silence treatment." Selena spoke through the phone later that day as she was leaving Romeo a voice message. She had her hand placed over her stomach as she spoke even though she was too early to start really showing. "Punish me in bed, not like this baby." Raquelle had unlocked the door for Romeo while Sel was leaving him a voice message in the kitchen. Selena was leaning against the counter with her back facing him as he walked in. He had his hands full with two big bags of things he purchased in Australia. "I love you, okay. I want to spend every minute, every second, showing you. If you think I'm playing games with you, I'm not."

A smile formed on his face as she spoke through the phone. "You know, I hope it's a message you're leaving for me and not you talking to some guy." He said with her turning around quickly. She placed her hand over her mouth as tears started to build up in her eyes as she saw her man standing in front of her. She placed her phone down before walking to him placing her hands on the side of his face kissing him deeply as tears started falling. He dropped the bags before he held her waist as he kissed her back.

She pecked his lips 3 times in a roll before pulling away resting her forehead against his. "Why didn't you tell me you were coming home and why have you been ignoring me?" Romeo saw happiness and sadness in her eyes. "Sorry for ignoring you baby" he wiped her tears with his thumb but they kept falling. "I thought you broke up with me..." she looked down. Romeo lifted her chin up seeing her sad eyes stare into his. "I would never break up with you, love. Don't ever think that. You are my life—" Romeo placed his hand over her abdomen. "Both of you" He said before kissing her again. "You know I was confused and a little upset that you paid for my cousins funeral—" Selena cut him off. "You wasn't supposed to find out..."

"It's alright, I learned what's there to be upset about? You're family, you're my family. I'm grateful for what you did baby. That just shows how much of a beautiful person you are. I am so lucky to have you, we all are." She was smiling so big before hugging him. "I love you so much baby." Romeo kissed her cheek before saying it back. She looked down and saw the bags. "Someone went on a shopping spree" she chuckled. "Yeah for you" he said before picking up the bags and placing them on the table. "Baby whyyy?"

"Because I love you so much and want to spoil you with my love that's why." He said as he started taking things out of the bags. From perfume, to lingerie. "That's hot..." She bit her lip as she saw the lingerie he bought her before continuing. "I can't wait to wear it and for you to take it off of me" she laughed. "We can start tonight" he winked before he chuckled.

To Be Continued

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