Bad Liar

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Francia came over Selena's house later that day to talk about what happened between her and Romeo. "So how was it?" Francia asked her best friend who is like a sister to her. "It was okay. We just talked" Selena shrugged not really wanting to talk about it because she was feeling bad about telling Romeo she doesn't like him like that. "And?" Francia was waiting for her to continued but Selena shrugged again. "If you don't tell me!" Selena sighed. "Fine, it was terrible..." Francia was confused as to how it was terrible. "Well what happened?"

"He was sweet to me and everything. I started my period in his bed—" Francia was shocked about her starting her period in his bed. "You what?!" She was blushing full of embarrassment. "I know-I know. I'm still embarrassed about it. And what he do? He takes care of me. He bought both tampons and pads for me. He made me a bath. He made me breakfast. He told me he's in love with me just for me to say I don't feel the same. I feel fucking terrible..." Selena had her elbows pressed down on her knees with her hands covering her face.

"Damn.." Selena uncovered her face to look at her friend. "Yeah, tell me about it. He probably hates me now." Francia chuckled and shook her head knowing Selena was just being too dramatic. "Sis, he doesn't hate you. That he could never do. He loves you and I'm sure he didn't expect you to say you were in love with him back. Love takes time and love is patient." Francia was trying to cheer her friend up even though it wasn't really working. "I lied to him... I love Romeo but not in love.. That could happen eventually though. But I don't want it to..I can't allow that to happen. Not with him." Selena looked down while Francia looked over at her confused. "What the hell? How does that even make any sense?"

"What if we don't work out? I don't want to lose him. He's been in my life for almost a decade. I don't want to lose him." Francia smiled because she was the only one who always thought Romeo was best for Selena and she has never been so opened like this about Rome. "Girl put that shit a side. You would never lose him and you know it. You're just afraid to jump into another relationship. You aren't used to good relationships. Abel was the best and that didn't work because you had feelings for your ex's. You're afraid that Romeo would be endgame. You're so used to that toxic relationships that you don't know how to handle a good one. Don't let a good one like Romeo slip away."

"I just want to focus on my music right now and my health. I know my fans are dying to hear a single and an album. I don't want to keep pushing it back from them. I need to stay focus." Selena has been pushing the album back for 4 years now and she wants to finally give her fans what they truly deserve. "You can do that and be with someone Sel. Seems like you're just making excuses because you scared."

That night Selena was back in the studio listening to the final touches. She had a few songs that she wrote about Justin and Abel along with other things she's gone through these past years. She wasn't sure if she was ready for the album. It felt like it still wasn't finished after 4 years. She ran her fingers through her hair before pulling out her phone. She saw that Raquelle had left her a few messages also her other friends such as Theresa and Courtney. She then went to Romeo's contact and saw there wasn't any current messages. She sighed because she was desperate to hear from him.

"Everything alright?" Julia Michaels asked her who was sitting besides Justin Tranter. "Just thinking.. I'm not sure if I should release some of the songs or not. I'm just undecided right now. I just feel like something is missing..."

"It's up to you. It's on your terms Sel. Don't release it until you are for sure about it. Regardless it'll be a fucking hit and your fans would love it and be damn proud of you." Julia side hugged her from the chair. "I'm for sure proud of you girl."

After the studio Selena went home. Raquelle was already in bed sleep so Selena sat on the couch watching YouTube videos on her phone. Her back was against the arm rest with her feet on the couch and knees to her chest. She watched a few videos that involved her and Romeo.

"Don't get distracted.... don't get distracted."

She told herself not to get distracted but that's exactly what's happening, her getting distracted. She then went to soundcloud and went to his playlist and played his song that she featured at the end of it "You Deserve All of Me". They recorded it back in 2013 when they were just taking things slow. They were close to dating but as usual, Justin came back in the picture. She's surprised that he never deleted the song. Selena was trying her hardest to fight her feelings for Romeo but she was failing miserably. She went to his contact and hit the call button putting her phone to her ear.

To Be Continued

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