Casual Date

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Romeo's POV

Francia got them a 2pm time. In the mean time I wanted to take her on a casual date. Nothing fancy, just being two normal people for the day. I owe her that from taking good care of me. For starters I took her to get ice cream at cold stone creamery since she's probably on her menstrual cycle still. The workers were very nice to us and didn't go as crazy as she thought they would. They even closed the place down for lunch so that her and I wouldn't get trampled.

"This is nice" she smiled at him as she was licking her ice cream. She felt like she was a normal person. He always cease to amaze her. "I just want you to feel special and feel normal for once. And you put up with me last night so I owe you." The paparazzi were outside across the street snapping photos of them. She saw them and covered the side of her face. "Come on this side and sit next to me so I can blocked them for you."

Selena stood up and sat besides him who was seated besides the window. He wrapped an arm around her so that she could lean her head against his rib so should could be out of their sight. "There's definitely going to be rumors floating around about this one. I can see it now 'Selena and Lil' Romeo dating?' They'll say something crazy like that" he chuckled. Selena was eating her ice cream before looking up at him. "I don't think it's crazy" he looked down at her before kissing her forehead. Selena actually wanted him to kiss her. She noticed he wasn't eating his as much. "You don't like your butterscotch ice cream?"

"I don't like the taste. It's a little weird." Selena sat up a little and held out her hand. "Let me try it" he held it to her mouth seeing her tongue slowly lick it. He started laughing at her disgusted facial expression. "That's terrible" she grabbed a napkin and started wiping her tongue with it. "That's not going to help, love" he chuckled at her. "Throw the whole thing away, we can share mine."

The paparazzi continued to watch and record them. They caught Selena holding up her ice cream cone to his mouth and him taking a bite but she moved the cone up so that it'll brush against his lips and nose which caused her to laugh. "Really?" He chuckled while she continued to laugh hard. "I'm so sorry I just had to" She continued to laugh before taking a napkin to wipe it off. "I'm gonna get you back for that. As a matter of fact" he started tickling her causing her to laugh harder. "Rome!! No!!!" She placed her hands on his arms trying to stop him. "That makes me horny.." He stopped when he heard her. "What?" He chuckled trying to see if he heard correctly. "You heard me.." she fixed her shirt blushing. "I'm gonna have so much fun with you" she gasped before playfully hitting his arm. "Rome!"

After eating their ice cream Romeo held the door open for her while she stepped out of Cold Stone Creamery. The paparazzi started shouting at them from across the street. "Selena, Romeo, did y'all enjoy your ice cream?" Selena looked back at Romeo when she saw he wasn't next to her. He went back in to give them a tip for allowing them to shut down for them. He then came back out and she wrapped her arm around his as they walked to his car. He opened the door for her and she planted a kiss on his cheek. "Are y'all dating?" One of the paparazzi shouted at them.

Afterwards Romeo took her to see The Lion King. They arrived when the lights were out so that they won't be a distraction. They sat up front they both had the incliner up while she held onto her nacho and cheese and he had popcorn between his legs. She scooped cheese on her chip and held it to his mouth. He took a bite and lifted up the arm rest so that she could scoot close to him so that he could wrap an arm around her waist so they can cuddle. She laid her head against his shoulder while they ate and cuddled for the entire movie. After the movie they were walking to his Aston Martin Lagonda when the paparazzi was snapping pictures in front of them. "Romeo did you finally find your Juliet in Selena?" Both Selena and Romeo couldn't help but to chuckle. "Selena are you two dating?" "What movie did you guys see?" Selena held onto his arm as they walked up to his car. He opened the door for her and waited for her to get in before closing the door.

"Bro you two look cute together" Romeo smiled at the guy before thanking them before walking around the car which was already opened because she leaned over and opened it for him. "They're crazy. What did they say to you?" Selena asked him when he got in closing the door behind him. "They said we look cute together" he pressed the starter button. Selena was failing to hide her smile as she spoke quietly. "They weren't lying."

To Be Continued

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