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Selena flew 15hours to surprise Romeo. She knows it's time to do what's best for her. Yes it hurt Abel at the end but she has to go after who she wants and that's Romeo. Theresa got in contact with Romeo's friend Marcus to find out where he was staying. As soon as she found out she sent the address to Selena. It was the top hotel in Australia. "Hi." The receptionist looked up and nearly lost it. "Oh my God, it's Selena Gomez." Selena smiled shyly at him trying to get him to calm down. "I'll take a picture with you and sign my autograph if you give me a key to Romeo Miller's room."

"Sorry, I can't do that. I can get fired but I would love a picture and your autograph so I can get it tattooed on me later." She chuckled and shook her head at him before pulling out a check from her purse. She grabbed a pen from the cup on the desk before signing it. She slid it forward to him. "This is $50,000. It's yours if you give me a key to his room. I won't tell anyone. Please, I'm very desperate right now." The male was shocked that he was talking to her and even shocked that she just wrote him a check. "I'd take it but he's not in his room right now."

"That's fine, I can wait up in his room till he comes. Do you want the check or not?" She held it up before seeing him reach for it and take it which brought a smile to her face. She held her hand out "can I have my spare key now?" He went and grabbed it and handed it to her. "What room # and what floor?" He told her the room number and what floor. "Can I get your autograph and a picture now?" He stood up staring at the gorgeous petite woman in front of him. "Maybe later. And don't tell him anything about me being here and being in his room." she smiled before turning around walking down to the elevator.

When Selena got to his room she smelled his cologne in the air that she loves. She placed her suitcase down next to his before sitting on the bed. She placed her hand on the warm and soft fabric rubbing it a little. She thought for a second before standing up walking to the side of the bed grabbing the phone.

Marcus and Romeo finally got back to the hotel. "Man I'm stuffed. I'm ready to just sit in the jacuzzi and relax." Romeo told his friend while they were walking towards the elevators. Romeo looked over at the receptionist who started clapping. "I applaud you, you're the luckiest man on earth." Romeo was confused but nodded before reaching the elevators. Romeo pressed the elevator button seeing the doors open. Both stepped on and turned around. "I don't know what that was all about." Marcus hit the 12th floor seeing the doors close. "I don't know either bro, what I do know is that I'm about to crash. I'm exhausted." The doors opened and they both were walking to their rooms which was across from each other. Romeo got confused when he heard music playing inside of his room.

"You hear that bro?" Marcus already knew Selena was inside. He pretended like he didn't know anything. "Maybe you forgot to turn the tv off earlier. I'll catch you in the morning bro." Romeo watched Marcus go inside his room. He then slid the key hearing it unlock. He opened the door seeing the lights were dimmed. He was highly confused seeing there were candles lit up in certain areas with roses on the floor in a line going towards the bed. He walked fully in with the door closing behind him. He saw there were roses and candles on the edge of the jacuzzi. He looked at the bed seeing roses were shaped in a heart. He was thinking he entered the wrong room but how when he has the key. He pulled out his phone to call Marcus. "Sorry it took me long to get here" Romeo jumped a little from hearing a voice. He turned around seeing Selena stand besides the bathroom wearing a robe.

"S-Sel" his mouth dropped not believing she was there. He slowly put his phone in his pocket keeping his eyes on her. He was completely shocked, he couldn't believe it. She flew 15hours to come and see him. "I saw your ticket yesterday in my purse and was so disappointed that it took me a week to find it. So I bought a new one because I couldn't turn away a trip to Australia with the man I love. So..." She untied her robe revealing her lingerie. She was of course blushing and was shy even though they did make love already but this occasion is a lot different. "I missed out on you for so many years." Selena slid the robe off of her arms feeling it fall to the floor so he can have a better glimpse of her lingerie.

"Because I wasn't ready for a man like you." She walked up to him seeing how speechless he was. She smiled as she placed her hand against his chest feeling his heart race quickly. "Someone so sexy, intelligent, all about his woman. Someone who was a true friend to me. Someone who would give me the world and kill anybody who tries to take it away from me. Someone who only wanted me."

Selena took a step back and glanced down before tilting her head to the side, putting her finger on top of her bottom teeth as she bit down gently with a smile on her face seeing his hard boner through his joggers. "Did I do that?" She chuckled. Romeo was confused but happy at the same time. "I thought you chose Abel." Selena eyes shifted to his face when he said that. She shook her head before speaking. "You thought wrong. I went to see him to get closure. You have never and will never be a second option Rome."

She put her arms around his neck as she stared in his eyes. "I want to make love to you in the best way right now. Show you how much I've been missing you this entire week." Romeo felt a little bad that he's been ignoring her. He just couldn't find the urge to talk to her because he though she was going to get back with Abel. "I'm sorry about that love. I thought you were going to take him back. I was upset..." Selena caressed his face staring in his eyes. "I don't care about that anymore. I care about this moment right here."

Selena slid her hands down his chest feeling his muscular body through his shirt. She reached down to the end of his shirt before pulling it off and over him. She started rubbing his chest again. "I don't want you to ever think you're a second option. Because baby, you're the only option. And I will love to prove it to you." She pulled down his joggers seeing his hard member bounce up and down through his Calvin's. "I'm in love with you" he admitted which brought a smile to her face. She stood up facing him while smiling. "I know you're not at that point yet but-" Selena put her finger to his lips. "Trust me, I'm in love with you too. It was either stay in LA or go after the man I'm in love with. So here I am."

To Be Continued

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