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Selena felt her heart beat quickly and felt butterflies. She had no idea what to say when she sees Abel. She stood in front of his door and seconds later it opened. She looked at the handsome man standing in front of her. His hair was a lot shorter than the last time she saw him which was 2 years ago. He was holding Julius and Caesar's leech while they were standing by her feet. "Hi Selena"

Selena stood in his living room while he was putting the dogs in their kennel's. He finally came out not hiding his smile. He was so happy to see her, it's been 2 long years. "You just gonna stand there or are you going to give me a hug?" Abel opened his arms when he saw her walk to him with a smile on her face. They held each other for a few long seconds before pulling away. "I've missed you so much" Abel confessed. "I missed everything about you, Bella can't compare to you." Just like that Selena thought about his lyrics stating she wasn't half as Bella.

"Not what you said in Wasted Times and to me personally..." Abel sighed and held her hand. "Baby that was me out of anger. I told you I was too stubborn and my pride got hurt and I was just trying to get back at you." Selena slid her hand away from his before crossing her arms. "How do you think that makes me feel? I never disrespected you, not once." Abel let out another sigh while she continued to talk. "And now people wants us back together." Abel placed his hand against her cheek seeing her stare in his eyes. "Do you want that? Because I do, I left Bella for you. I love you Selena. We deserve a second chance and you know it."  Abel stared into her eyes before leaning in kissing her on the lips.

Romeo was at his condo packing his bags while talking to his friend Marcus. "Damn, she left just like that?" Marcus looked at his friend take down some sugar rum before setting the glass down. Romeo started zipping up the suitcase. "Just like that bro.!It's like last night didn't happen, like it was one big fucking dream." Romeo was frustrated with her but no matter how frustrated he gets he'll always have mad love for her. "Bro, maybe it's time to let her go for good." Romeo knew his friend was right but he just couldn't. He loved her before but after making love to her, he's in love with her. "It's not easy man. Just not easy." Romeo was packing his bags so he can fly out to Australia for his birthday and for a movie he has to shoot. He wanted Selena with him but she went back to Abel as far as he knows.

Selena was kissing Abel feeling his hands touch her butt so he can pull her closer to him but she grabbed his wrists moving them away also breaking the kiss. "What's wrong?" Selena looked down feeling his hand touch her cheek so that she can look back up at him. She looked at him with sadness in her eyes. "Selena talk to me." Selena didn't want to hurt Abel again but she knew if she were to take him back it would be too messy. It was too messy. She'll always be known for the girl who takes her ex's back the second she gets the opportunity and she didn't want that. Also, she felt like she was cheating on Romeo when he isn't even her man. Her feelings for Rome has grown stronger. "Abel.. I can't do this." Abel was a bit shocked because he thought she wanted him just as much as he wanted her. "What why?"

"I wanted you back Abel and what did you do? You told me you wanted nothing to do with me. You said I didn't compare to Bella. Your words not mines.. Justin told me he was going through some things and I was there for him. You hated it to the point where you called me a bitch and said I'm hoeing around. That broke my heart because you never talked to me that way before. After the break up I was so lost. So yes I went to Justin the one I said you don't have to worry about. I wanted you to be jealous, I wanted you to feel pain like I was feeling. So it was like a fuck it type of thing. Not saying it was right. I shouldn't have took him back, I know. But I expected more from you. You gave up on me when I wanted us to last. I tried to stay positive and not to let it get to me but you shading me and talking down on me made me feel so little to the point where I entered Rehab."

"Selena, I'm sorry okay—" Selena cut him off. "I know you are but it isn't enough. I'm not that girl you started dated back in December of 2016. She's gone and she's never coming back. I will always love you and care about you but I moved on Abel. I'm sorry but you have to let me go.. what we had was beautiful but it's in the past. It's just a memory now. I hope you can find your stargirl, she's just not me." Abel was shocked and hurt at the same time. He grabbed her hands staring into her eyes. "Can we fuck one last time?" He was pulling her into him but she moved her hands away. "I can't" She shook her head before looking down. "There's someone else?" Selena looked up at him before slowly nodding.

"He's a lucky guy. Hopefully you're over Justin this time and won't take him back like you did when you were with me." Abel was slowly letting his pride get to him and she was taking it well. "I won't. Whether if he stays married or not. I'm at my happiest right now, I don't need anything standing in the way of it. I wish you nothing but the best Abel." Selena said before turning around walking to the door.

To Be Continued

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