Rose Marie

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"Ahhhh it hurts!" Selena cried out as he held her hand. "Just hold my hand baby" she squeezed it which made him grunt. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry" he rubbed her head as he told her she had nothing to be sorry about. He knew she was in so much pain and wanted her to take the pain out on him. After all he's the reason why she's pregnant. The contractions were too much for her, they were extremely painful and the doctors and nurses were concerned that she might need a C-section which she didn't want to do. When they got to the hospital the pain got even worse.

Romeo was holding her hand as she was squeezing it. She squeezed so hard that she could've easily broke his hand. "It hurts" she screamed in pain. Selena didn't think she had the strength to push the baby out. "Baby keep squeezing my hand, you can do this" Romeo was in pain but he wanted to be strong for his lady. "Just about there Ms. Gomez, give us a couple more pushes." The nurse told Selena who felt like giving up. Selena gave them another push as she cried it out. She didn't want to have a c-section but the pain was too much for her. The nurse mentioned it and she told them no. "Wait, I see the head" Romeo felt like passing out after hearing that. "Ms. Gomez give us one big push" the nurse told her before she squeezed hard. "Alright just one more push" Romeo's hand was so numb from her squeezing it. She took a deep breath as she gave it her all as the baby finally came out.

Selena was extremely exhausted as she was panting the nurses cleaned the baby off before handing her to Selena. "Hi honey" she smiled weakly at her baby girl. Romeo was emotional as he watched his fiancé hold their daughter. "I love you baby girl. My sweet Rose Marie" Selena kissed her cheek. Selena looked at Romeo who wiped a tear from his eye as she smiled at him "I love you baby." She slowly handed her to Romeo as he held onto his baby girl. Selena watched with a smile on her face seeing him sweet talk their baby. "I'm your daddy, I promise to protect you for anyone who tries and break you. I promise to break any guys neck if they ever try and date you." Selena chuckled "and I promise to kill them if they break your heart. I love you so much Rose."

While the baby was resting Romeo sat next to her while she was resting. He was holding her hand as he was struggling to stay awake. His head snapped foreword which caused her to wake up from the impact that made his hand shake a bit. "Babe?" He opened his eyes "yeah babe". She smiled weakly at him as she slowly moved over to make some room for him. "Lay with me" he tried to argue with her but she wasn't having it. "Please babe" he pushed the chair back as she released his hand as he kicked his shoes off and got up and laid next to her. "You need to rest comfortably. You can't do that in that little chair and it's hard for me to rest without you by my side." Romeo kissed her cheek as she looked at their beautiful baby sleeping peacefully. "Look at her. We created that beautiful soul. I am so in love." Romeo couldn't agree even more, they had a family and they were about to be husband and wife which made things even better. She couldn't believe all of these amazing things were happening but felt truly blessed.

5 months later Selena released her album Rare which was so successful that it went #1 and she broke many records. Just a month later her and Romeo had their beautiful wedding. The wedding of her dreams.

End of Story. Thank you for all the love ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2019 ⏰

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