The Rooftop

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"First the blindfold, now your hands covering my eyes. Is this necessary?" He chuckled while Selena was standing behind him with her hands around his eyes. "Very." Selena signaled the gentlemen who set up a nice dinner on the rooftop for her and her man. She handed them a huge tip before they walked out closing the door behind them. "Baby what are you—" Selena moved her hands away from his eyes showing him the amazing view. "—doing..." He was shocked as he looked around also seeing the table set up with a pot on it along with a bottle of his alcohol brand "Sugar Rum". "Whoa... baby" he looked at her who was smiling widely. "You likey?" She giggled before he placed his hands on her hips. "No, I love it." Selena raised her eyebrow. "Something tells me you're talking about me and not this beautiful date we're on."

"Both" Romeo leaned down and kissed her passionately. She wrapped her arms around his neck while kissing him back passionately. She felt his hands go up the back of her shirt touching her soft skin before she pulled away from the kiss. "Babe, dinner first. Then you can have me for dessert." She bit her lower lip before taking his hand walking him to the table. He pulled out her chair for her and pushed it in as she sat down. Selena lit up the candles that we're on the table seeing the handsome man sit down across from her. Romeo took the top off of the pot seeing two plates of spaghetti with breadsticks. "I feel so special right now... you didn't have to do all of this baby."

Selena reached forward and held his hand. "I owe you 6 years of love and affection. I like to think, where would I be right now if I was to be with you back then instead of getting back together with Justin. I would've been beyond happy for sure and probably married with a kid or two by now. But I can't keep going on saying "what if" all I can do is live in the moment. Every moment with you is going to be special. To say I didn't have to do this is ridiculous. I'm going to spoil you with my love as long as I live." Selena made him feel a lot better. Yes he was hurt that he lost his cousin but she's a reason for him to keep going, to keep living, to keep smiling.

Selena chugged the last bit of her wine. She stood up when "A Thousand Years" came on. "May I have this dance?" She smiled down at him with her hand held out. Romeo chuckled before taking her hand standing up as well. "I couldn't turn down a dance with the most beautiful girl in the world" he walked her close to the edge before she wrapped her arms around his neck with his hands placed against her waist. Selena had her head rested against his shoulder while they slowed danced. "I can't wait to celebrate your birthday with you." She looked up at him with a smile on her face.

Romeo chuckled seeing the gorgeous woman starring up at him with a smile on her face. "Haven't you done enough?" Selena rolled her eyes playfully before making beatboxing "I Can't Get Enough" beat. She moved her arms and stepped before doing a cute little dance as she snapped her fingers "I can't get enough". He shook his head laughing. "I will never get enough. I'll always spoil you with love baby."

After making love Romeo decided to leave her a note on his pillow (since she was sleep) just in case if she'd wake up wondering where he was at. "That's good man. If you need anything, I got you." Romeo thanked his best friend Marcus. Romeo went over to his room so that they could talk. "So how is Selena, y'all made it official yet?" Romeo smiled when he heard him say Selena's name. He still couldn't believe she flew all the way to Australia to see him and to express her love for him. And also can't believe she's finally his. "Bro, I feel like I hit the lottery on top of being rich. Man I can't believe she flew all the way here to tell me how much she loves me and how she wants to be with me. I was so damn shocked, I couldn't move" Romeo chuckled before continuing. "Her and I made love.. it was beyond romantic. Then when she told me about my cousin and sis.. she wouldn't let me suffer alone. I cried and she comfort me.. then after waking up she surprises me with a candlelight dinner on the roof top."

"Man I need to get me a Selena." Romeo and Marcus both laughed. "All seriousness, Im happy for you bro. You've been in love with her for the longest time and now she's yours." Romeo still didn't know his newly girlfriend paid for his cousins funeral and she like to keep it that way. She doesn't want any recognition for it, she just wanted to do something good for the family. She knows what it's like to lose a relative and she just wanted no stress on the family. "I know it's too soon and all but are you going to marry her?" Romeo looked over at his friend knowing he should know what the answer is going to be. "She's wifey, of course I'm going to marry her. I didn't tell you this but.. she wouldn't let me pull out."

Marcus was shocked to hear that. "What do you mean she wouldn't let you pull out? She let you cum inside of her???" Romeo nodded at him before shrugging. "I tried to stop but she told me not to and just started bouncing quickly and hard until I exploded in her." Marcus couldn't believe he was hearing this. He for a second thought it was a prank but Romeo was being serious and he knows when his friend is serious. "What if she gets pregnant? How are you going to explain that to your parents?" Romeo had no idea but that really doesn't matter to him. As long as she stays with him and doesn't push him away if she does get pregnant, that's all that matters to him.

To Be Continued

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