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Selena slowly opened her eyes feeling his arms around her. A smile formed on her face when she looked down seeing them placed in the same exact spot he left them before they both fell asleep. She had to use the restroom so she slowly moved his arms away which made him turn on his side with his back to her. She slowly got out of bed and went to the bathroom. Afterwards she was walking to the bed when there was a knock. She grabbed his robe that was on a chair and put it on tying it. She went to the door and opened it.

It was Marcus, he smiled knowing his friend finally won the girl but it faded when he remembers he has bad news. "Nice seeing you Selena, is Rome up?" Selena shook her head with her hand on the knot of the robe. "Nice seeing you too. I owe you for giving Theresa the information for me to get here. And he's sleep right now." Marcus was there to tell Romeo that his cousin Kiva passed away and his sister was rushed to the hospital. Selena was devastated for her man, she had no idea how to tell him but she knew she had to.

Once Marcus went back to his room she got back in bed moving closer to him. She was kissing his shoulder softly before rubbing it. "Hmm" he was half awake. "Are you awake?" She whispers trying to look over his shoulder to see if his eyes were opened which they weren't. "No" he mumbled trying to go back to sleep. "Babe, we have to talk. It's important..." She finally got his attention. He opened his eyes and looked over his shoulder at her. "You're not having second thoughts about us, are you?" Selena shook her head, he saw something was wrong . He saw it in her eyes so he sat up rubbing his eyes. "What's wrong?" Selena didn't want to break his heart but she had to tell him. She told him and he was heartbroken.

Romeo got off the phone with his dad just in time for Selena to come out of the bathroom. His back was facing her and his feet was placed on the floor with his elbows pressed against his knees with his fists underneath his chin. "What did he say? How is Itali?" He just shrugged not saying a word. Selena walked over and crawled on the bed about to touch him to comfort him. "I think you should go." Those words hurt her, she knows he's hurting and she couldn't leave him. What kind of girlfriend would that make her? "What do you mean? I'm not leaving you Rome." He wanted to be alone, the lost of his cousin and his sister rushed to the hospital even though his father told him his sister will be okay but it still scares him and it hurts him that he can't be there for his family since he's mainly there to film his movie.

"I just want to be alone." Romeo's voice cracked. He doesn't show emotion when he's hurting, he allows it to built up because he has to be strong for his younger siblings. "I get that but I can't let that happen. You're heartbroken and you're trying to push me away but I'm not going anywhere. I'm not letting you hurt alone. I'm your girlfriend, it's my job to be here for you. So let me be here." Selena wrapped her arms around him from behind with her knees on the bed. She kissed his shoulder seeing he was showing no emotion from his facial expression. He was just staring ahead out the window at nothing. "The strongest soldiers goes through the toughest battles. It's okay to cry baby. It's not okay to hold it all in." Romeo turned his head the opposite way that she had her head tilted looking at him because he was about to break down. His vision became blurry from the tears that were built up. "No" Selena got off the bed standing in front of him. She placed her hand against his cheek caressing it. "Let it go baby. It's okay... just let it go." His body was tensed up but he couldn't hold it anymore. She saw him release the tension in his body as he started to break down.

"Everybody I love leaves me" Selena felt him wrap his arms around her waist pulling her closer as he pressed his head into her abdomen as he sobbed. "Not true. Im here, I'm not going to leave you. I promise baby." A few tears escaped her eyes as she tried to stay strong for him. She placed her hands on his head rubbing it gently. "Oh God it hurts.. Sel" he cried out loud. Selena leaned down kissing the top of his head feeling her heart shatter from the pain in his voice.

To Be Continued

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