My Cinderella

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I was in the shower practically leaning against the shower wall with thoughts running through my head. I looked down and placed my hand against my scar on my stomach. I stood there for a few more moments before turning the scar off. I opened the shower curtain and stepped out onto the carpet. I grabbed the towel and started drying off.

"If I was your boyfriend, I'll never let you go, keep you on my arm girl, you'll never be alone" Raquelle sung loudly from downstairs.

You got to be kidding me! Can I go one day without any ex drama from my friends and family? As much as I don't like them to play my music, I rather hear that than my ex's. Yes I still have feelings for Abel but just because I have feelings for him doesn't mean we'll ever get back together. I don't think I'd take my own self back after what I did.

"Hey girl" Raquelle turned the volume down still playing "Boyfriend" since she keeps replaying the music video. She noticed Selena was wearing a puma outfit. "Going to workout or something?" It was 10:00pm Selena never goes out that late but she wanted to get away from everyone at the moment."Yes, but I'll be back real soon. Just going to the gym."

"But why not workout in your mini gym downstairs?" Selena has a mini gym that she rarely uses. "I rather go to a real gym. Don't wait up for me" Selena said before walking out.

I love my friends but I hate when they say "you shouldn't have dumped Abel" or "You should've married Justin" or "Call out Abel's Name" what about what I want? Maybe I want to start fresh when it comes to dating? Maybe I don't want to date and want to continue to focus on myself? They never ask what I want besides Francia.

"So you lies to Raquelle by saying you were going to the gym but ended up at my house?" Francia's body was turned towards Selena on the couch.  "I didn't really lie, I was actually heading to the gym but I just needed someone to talk to" Francia nodded as Selena continued. "Remember when I said I am ready to start dating again? Well I am but it's hard when people are telling me I should get back with Abel or I shouldn't have let Justin marry Hailey. Like what about what I want"

"Well what do you want? You shouldn't worry about what others think. You never did before and you shouldn't start now. If you want my honest opinion, I wouldn't get back with any of my ex's. I'd start off fresh with someone new. Someone who isn't a big start or maybe someone who isn't in the business. It's truly up to you babe."

That's why I love Francia, she's always about what I want and isn't trying to pressure me into anything.

"So do you have any candidates though?" She was preferring to new guys Selena might be crushing on or would like to date. "I don't know.. not really. I don't think anyone would take me seriously since I ran back to Justin so many times..."

"I highly doubt it. No one cares about that. Besides, Justin is married to Hailey and for all I know he's in love with her." Even if he wasn't in love with Hailey, Selena was completely done with him if he was to ever divorce her. "True...."

"So, I think I have someone in mind but I don't want to play matchmaker or anything." Francia smiled at her friend who's lit up with excitement and curiosity.  "Tell me!!!"

"I rather show you... you know this man too well and he's been crushing on you for many years. Despite you going back to Justin so many times and dating Abel, he still manages to love and support you." Selena had no idea who it was but again, was curious. Francia turned on Romeo's classic hit "My Cinderella"

"Oh my gosh!" Selena laughed as she started to do a cute little dance. "I loved this song and sung it so much back in the day." Selena was too busy singing and dancing that she didn't know Francia was talking about Romeo so she muted the tv. "Hey! I was jammin' to that!"

"Hey, he's the guy I'm talking about. If you're down I just might know where he's at right now"

To Be Continued

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