Hell Date

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In the mean time Romeo decided to make pasta and since it's Selena's favorite, she was helping him of course. They were both making a salad together.

"You do know I'm supposed to be the one making you food, not you helping me?" He chuckled as he saw the beautiful woman standing besides him smiling while she was chopping up lettuce for the salad. "Well.. in my old defense. If we happen to date and it goes further, wouldn't you want me to cook for you?" The thought of that made Romeo smile to himself before looking over at her. "You know I would love that." She smiled feeling her cheeks burn from blushing. She gave him a short nudge before moving a falling hair behind her ear. Selena put the lettuce in a bowl before wiping her hands off with a towel. She watched how focused he was while he sliced the tomatoes. Romeo felt her gaze on him which made him crack a smile.

"What?" Selena cleared her throat before shaking her head. "Onions.. you're gonna slice that right?" She pointed at the onions that were on the counter. "Of course I am. I wouldn't let you do that." He scrapped the tomatoes off of the cutting board with a knife into the bowl of lettuce. Romeo went to the counter and washed the cutting board. He then came back to the counter with it and placed it down. He grabbed the onion and started cutting it.

Selena's POV

I love how focus he was. He took his time prepping dinner as if he's some kind of chef trying to impress a lady. The way he cut the onions I was a little surprised. I thought he'd be crying by now. I sure as hell was.. well not on the outside but definitely on the inside. He started wiping his forehead off and that's when I knew it got to him.

"Shit.. sorry didn't mean to cuss in front of you." Selena laughed because he then set the knife down and squeezed his eyes shut before hunching over. "Are you okay?" She continued to laugh while placing her hand on his back rubbing it. "Nah, I think I won't be able to see again." Romeo's eyes were on fire he could barely open them because he tried to pretend like they weren't burning but the first cut had him suffering. "Here, sit down." Selena pulled out a chair and helped him sit down. "It's not that deep" he chuckled trying to open his eyes but shut it quickly once again.

Selena grabbed a fresh towel and damped before walking back to him. "I can't see Selena." She stood in front of him seeing him place his hand on her hip. "Don't worry this should help." She gently placed the damped towel over his eyes. She held it against his eyes for about 20 seconds before removing it. "Try opening your eyes now." He slowly opened his eyes, they were red and watery. "Any better?" Selena asked him a little worried and felt bad since she made him cut the onion. "Would you be mad if I told you I've been faking this entire time. My eyes aren't burning I just wanted to see what wifey would do in a situation like this" he chuckled. "Dammit Rome!" Selena threw the towel at him. "Dude I was feeling bad for a second there." Romeo chuckled as he looked up at her. "But wifey?"

"You heard me" Romeo stood up and walked to the stove turning the burner down. Selena sat down pulling out her phone with her phone vibrated from a new text. It was from an unknown number.

—New Message: Long time no see.. how you been and how you been feeling???

Selena had no idea who it was. She just knew it's probably someone she knows or used to know.

—Selena: I'm sorry but who is this?? 🥴

Romeo was fixing her plate while Selena sat and waiting for the unknown person to text her back.

—New Message: It's Abel...

Selena froze. She had no idea what to say or do. Her and Abel haven't talked to each other since 2017. Romeo noticed her sudden mood when he turned around with her plate in his hands. He set it down on the table before looking at her. "Everything alright?" Selena didn't know what to feel at the moment. She knows a lot of her family and friends loves him and wants them to get back together but he's in a relationship with Bella and they didn't end well. "Selena?" Romeo was very concerned. "It's Abel... he's texting me."

—New Message from Abel: I don't know if you heard or if anyone told you but Bella and I aren't on the greatest terms right now.

"So.. what does he want?" Romeo asked Selena distracting her thoughts. Selena shrugged not really knowing what to say or do. Romeo walked back to the stove and started fixing his plate.

—Selena: I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you two can work it out.

Romeo walked over with his plate and sat down across from her. Selena's eyes were glued to her phone which was placed on her lap.

—New Message from Abel: I was afraid you'd say that. I don't think we can work it out. I have feelings for someone else.

"You know... it's kinda rude to be texting while you're on a date." Romeo watched her slowly stare up at him. "Sorry.." she mumbled before picking up her fork. Her phone vibrated again but this time she didn't take one look at her phone. "You can check it, I was just joking.." Romeo wasn't joking but he didn't want to force her to pay attention to him if she wanted to talk to her ex.

Selena didn't hesitate. She looked back down at her phone to read Abel's text.

New Message from Abel: I would like to see you in private if you up for it. I still got your messages saved from months ago..

Selena had the words ringing in her head when he told her Bella was the best thing that has ever happened to him and that he wishes her and Justin the best. Selena didn't want to break up but Abel got jealous. Justin was going through depression and had anxiety, something she could relate to. She was there for him and Abel didn't like it so he told her if she walks out the door then it's over. They got in an argument which lead them to both agree to take a break. That break turned into a permanent break up.

Time passed by. Romeo finished eating while Selena hasn't touched her food. She sat and thought about old memories of her and Abel and thought about what to reply to him with. Romeo checked the time and saw they have 45 minutes until the movie starts. "You didn't touch your food." Romeo stood up and grabbed his plate walking to the sink and placing it in there. "Sorry, I'm just not hungry.." Romeo sighed as he turned around leaning against the counter before crossing his arms. "Maybe you should take the tickets and see the movie with him. Because you haven't touched your food not once and have been on your phone non stop since he started texting you. I told you I'm not about to play games with you Selena."

"I'm not playing games. I just.." she paused not knowing what to say. "You just don't know what you want." Selena frowned as she stared at him. "I'll help you, just don't choose me." He said before walking out the kitchen.

To Be Continued

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