Taylor 🌹

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Selena's POV

I stayed upstairs trying to avoid Charlie but of course he wasn't leaving any time soon. I wasn't about to trap myself in my room all day because of him. Taylor is in town and I want to go see her.

"Selena can we talk?" Charlie walked up to her while she was heading for the door after walking down the stairs. She turned around to face him not wanting to talk but she put her on best fake smile. "About what Charlie?" Charlie told her how he thought she owes him dinner and a movie for rescuing her from whomever was falling her. "Charlie, I appreciate you rescuing me but I have a boyfriend. It wouldn't be right of me to have another man take me on a date." He swore up and down that it wouldn't be a date. That it would be two friends just having dinner and seeing a movie afterwards. "Charlie, no... You think I don't know you by now? I heard the songs you wrote about me which is pretty disrespectful if you ask me. I know if I was to go to dinner and see a movie with you, you would play the victim trying to make it seem like it was a date and I used you like always. Again, I thank you for being there for me but I don't need your type of help." Selena said before opening her door and walking out.

Taylor was in LA promoting her album Lover so her and Selena met up to get coffee. "I'm so happy to see you, so much has happened since the last time I saw you." Selena told her as she sat across from her best friend of 11 years. "Well I know you found your Romeo" she smiled at her friend seeing her blush as a smile formed on her face. "Tay, I should've been with him along time ago but I guess it wasn't perfect timing." Taylor agreed with Selena. She has always thought Romeo and her was perfect together. "It wasn't perfect timing and you needed time to heal from Justin."

"Yeah speaking of Justin, do you know he was parked outside of my gate this morning?" Taylor rolled her eyes because she has never really liked Justin but after him cheating on her and breaking her heart over and over again she had no love in her body towards him. Selena told her everything from Justin being at the gate and from some guy following her from Charlie saving her and being at the house and from what the girls said about her. "Wow, what a bitch. You know Justin has never been my first choice but I still supported you and never talked down on you for being with him. They can like Charlie all they want but where's the respect for you and Romeo?" Taylor was a little annoyed with them. She was never really cool with them because she always thought they were using Selena. "Yeah especially when he's going to be the father of my baby."

Selena watched her friends eye raise as she took a sip of her coffee. Taylor sat her coffee down before finally responding. "What?" Taylor thought she heard wrong so she needed Sel to repeat herself. "I said he's going to be the father of my baby" a smile formed on her face before she looked down and placed her hand against her abdomen. Taylor's eyes lit up and mouth dropped before she could finally say something. "You're pregnant?!" Selena was shushing her as she looked around nervously hoping no one heard her. "Sorry but my God, I'm so damn speechless right now." Taylor told her best friend who was smiling. "The due date is March 29th" she told her.

Taylor has tears in her eyes before standing up and Selena stood up as well before they embraced each other in a hug. Taylor has a few tears escape her eyes as she hugged her friend. "Don't get it twisted, these are happy tears. I am so happy for you Sel and can't wait to see the beautiful baby in March. You two better get married after this!" Selena laughed as tears were forming in her eyes. "I hope so" she chuckled before wiping a tear that fell from her eye.

To Be Continued

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