Beauty Mark

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After the movie Selena thought he was going to take them back to his condo but instead he had more plans for them. "Universal Studios?" Rome this is way too much." Romeo turned his car off and placed his hand on her head rest. "I want this day to be something you'll remember forever." Selena felt so special, from him taking her to get ice cream to seeing The Lion King which she loved to now being at the carnival. "I'll remember it forever but you don't have to impress me by doing all of this." Romeo put his finger to her lips as she stared at him. "Let's live in the moment baby girl."

Romeo got out the car before closing it, he walked around his car and opened her door for her. She looked up at him with a smile before taking her seatbelt off and getting out. He shut the door before feeling her hold his hand and intertwining their hands together. She smiled up at him and he gave her one back. "Ready to live like theirs tomorrow?" She chuckled as he quoted her song from her A Year Without Rain album. "Quoting my song?" He chuckled and started walking them to purchase tickets.

He purchased tickets to last the entire evening and night. She tried stopping him but he wanted to spoil the date. "So what would you like to do first my love?" He asked as he walked hand in hand next to her as people were stopping and staring. "How about the walking dead attraction first" she suggested. Some fans walked up to them asking for pictures. They posed for a few pictures with fans before going to the walking dead attraction.

Romeo and Selena spent most of the day at Universal Studios. They felt like big kids because they had so much fun. They took pictures together at photo land and got on so many rides together. Selena stood behind him while she watched him win her a stuffed animal. He turned around and handed it to her. "Aw Rome" She took it from him before kissing his cheek. They started walking around. "I need to tell you something." Selena looked over at him. "What's up?"

"I hope this don't make you feel weird but a few weeks ago when I was filming Monstah. I had a dream and you were in it." Selena couldn't help but to smile. "Yeah? Well what was I doing?" She asked him curiously. "Well you were pregnant-" he looked over at her seeing her eyebrows raise. "-and glowing from it. I was the daddy of course and we were both happy and Francia was going to be the godmother." Selena looked away from him staring ahead. "I'm ready to go back to your condo."

Romeo did what she asked, they left and went back to his condo. Romeo sat on the couch besides Selena. "Hungry?" She nodded before pulling her phone out from pocket. Romeo stood up and walked to the kitchen to see if there was something for them to eat.

Text Message from Theresa: Girl!! The rumors is true. Abel and Bella are done. They broke up and now you need to go call out his name.

Romeo walked back out of the kitchen. "I was going to make you something but I have nothing. I can order pizza." Selena agreed before she stood up from the couch walking to the window. She looked down at her phone seeing the text message. He was officially single and it's a possibility that he left Bella for her. She then thought about Romeo's dream. Romeo pulled out his phone to find the closes pizza joint. Selena placed her hand on the wand and started twisting it so that they could close and made the condo darker since the lights were off. Romeo was looking at Godfather's pizza's menu. "What kind of pizza would you want?" Selena slowly unbuttoned her plaid shirt before turning around seeing him scrolling on his phone. "I have something else in mind"

"Something else in mind?" Romeo wasn't looking up because he was looking at the menu. She walked over to him and stood in front of him placing her hand on his cheek seeing him looking up at her slowly. "Good lord.. " he said when he saw her bra and her cute flat stomach revealing her scar. She placed her other hand on his face and started rubbing his head. She leaned down and kissed the top of his head. He placed his hands on her waist staring at her scar. He slowly leaned in and kissed her scar softly. Selena closed her eyes feeling her heart melt.

Romeo kissed it again before standing up. She stared up at him feeling his hand on her waist once again. "Selena I—" Selena cut him off to say what she's been truly feeling. "I love you Romeo." She stared in his eyes seeing a smile form on his face. "I haven't made the right choices in the past but what I'm about to do is going to be worth it." Selena slowly leaned in with her eyes slowly closing before her lips touched his. Romeo pulled her closer to him so that their bodies were touching. They kissed softly and passionately. Romeo parted his lips feelings her tongue slide inside wrapping around his. Their tongues were wrapping around one another almost playing tug a war. Selena won the battle because she started sucking on his tongue, turning him on even more. She placed her hands against his chest.

Selena let out a gasp when she felt his erection through his shorts. She pulled away from the kiss and slide her shirt from off of her shoulders. Romeo pulled his shirt off revealing his muscular body. Her eyes went from his handsome face to his body. She touched his chest before sliding her hand down feeling his abs until she met his belt. She unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned his pants. She leaned forward kissing him again before unzipping his pants. She kissed down to his throat with her hands feeling up and down his muscular arms.

She took a back before taking his hand as she guided them into his bedroom. She turned around and in a quick second she was pushed gently back onto the bed which caused her to laugh. He smiled and watched her unbutton her jean shorts. He slid them off of her smooth legs. She wrapped her arms around his neck bringing him down to her. They kissed, her hands were on his back rubbing it. He moved his head back staring down at her beautiful brown eyes. She was staring at him passionately. They both wanted each other.

To Be Continued

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