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While Romeo was on set Selena decided to go to the mall in Australia to find something for her man. Romeo's Bodyguard made sure to stand close by so that no one would act or do anything crazy to her. She was at a jewelry store looking for something to get him for his 30th birthday. She was looking at a 14K gold Rolex. "Do you think my boyfriend would like this?" She asked his bodyguard who told her that he would love anything she'd get him and that it would be unexpected. She was already having some Versace being shipped out for him.

She ended up buying the watch and had "SG & RM" engraved on the back of the Rolex. She arrived to set but didn't actually go and see her man because she didn't want to be a distraction. She decided to wait for him in his trailer. She thought getting him some Versace clothes and a 14K Rolex with their initials engraved in it wasn't enough.

"Hi, this is Selena Gomez." She waited for him to speak through the line. "Selena, wow I didn't expect you to be calling me. How did you get my number?" Romeo's father Percy aka Master P didn't know anything about Romeo and Selena's relationship so he was about to find out. "I got it from Romeo's phone. Him and I are a couple..." she had no idea how he was about to react, her heart was racing because of it. "Wait, is this someone playing a joke on me?" Selena laughed and shook her head. "No Mr. Miller this is me, Selena. We are in a relationship and I just got your number secretly because I want to invite you and his siblings here as a surprise for his birthday.

Master P couldn't believe it was Selena calling him and couldn't believe she's dating his son. "I'm kind of disappointed that he didn't tell me about your relationship." Master P is pretty protective with his family especially Romeo since he's the oldest. "In his defense, it's a freshly new relationship. He's been pretty down with the lost of Kiva, I'm sorry for your loss btw, and for almost losing his sister. He's missing all of you right now, having y'all fly out here would mean so much to him." Master P knew she was telling the truth and was grateful that she's there to comfort his oldest son. "I truly appreciate you Selena, you have always been so sweet to not only my son but my entire family including myself. I'll definitely get everyone out there to celebrate Rome's 30th Birthday."

Later that night Romeo and Selena were cuddling in his hotel room while watching "Love Jones". "God I love this movie, it never gets old." Her head was laying on his chest while looking at the tv while his arm was wrapped around her waist. "You know what else doesn't get old?" He asked her seeing her lift her head to look at him. "What?" He flipped her over on her back before getting on top of her which caused her to spread her legs. She giggled as she watched him raise her shirt up a little. "Kissing your scar" he leaned down kissing it. She was smiling widely as she rubbed his head. He lowered her shirt before laying down next to her, they both turned their bodies so they're facing each other.

"I know my birthday is in 2 days and I'm not sure if you got me anything or not but I would rather you not get me anything because you gave me the one thing I ever wanted, you." A smile formed on her face as she stared at the handsome man in front of her with him not knowing the amazing things she has set up for his birthday. "Feels like I'm high on love" she giggled with him agreeing with her. "This is the honeymoon phase, I don't want this feeling to ever end." Romeo held her hand before bringing it to his lips kissing her hand. "It won't end baby girl, this will forever be our feeling. I'll keep loving you and treating you like the woman I've been trying to win over for years. The only thing that changed is the fact that you're mine now. I'm still going to have the same energy towards you my love."

To Be Continued

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