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Selena's eyes were closed and her mouth was opened as she was digging her nails in his back as she let out another moan. She was on his lap in the jacuzzi, he had his hands on her waist as he helped her with her rhythm. She placed a hand on the back of his neck with the other on the bottom of the jacuzzi making her hips move quicker. He kept one hand on her waist while he moved his other hand to her sweet spot. She tensed up as she let out a loud moan when she felt him finger her while thrusting inside her. She was starting to shake from reaching her orgasm. She leaned forward placing her hands on his back while he continued to finger her and move her waist. He started to slow down because he was about to cum. "D-Dont stop. P-Please babyyy" as much as he wanted to continue going, he knew he had to. "Baby, I'm about to cum."

Selena didn't care. She was enjoying it to make it stop. She started bouncing quickly on him. Each time she went quicker she also bounced harder. She saw his head lean back just then she felt him explode inside of her. "Mmm yeah" she whispered in his ear. She finally slowed down as she wrapped her arms around him resting her head against his shoulder feeling his arms wrap around her. She continued to move her hips slowly while in his embrace.

Selena's POV

It felt so amazing. I couldn't stop, I couldn't make it stop. Yes, I took a risk by allowing him to cum inside of me. But if I do get pregnant it'll be worth it.

Romeo was laying in bed staring up at the ceiling with his hands resting underneath his head. Selena came out the bathroom and walked over climbing on the bed to him. She cuddled up to him seeing he was in deep thought. "What are you thinking about?" She started kissing his chest while they laid naked. He wrapped his arm around her waist allowing her to come even closer to him. "I came inside of you baby." Romeo didn't understand why she didn't allow him to stop. "I know that."

"What if you get pregnant Sel?" He looked at her waiting for her answer. "Then I'll be pregnant" she shrugged. "We both have been having baby fever for the longest time. It'll be perfect timing." Selena knew what she was doing, she could've easily allowed him to stop but she wanted this. "Your family would hate me..." he sighed as he looked back at the ceiling. "Maybe... maybe not. Either way I'm not leaving you, ever." Romeo looked back at her. "So we're doing this?"

"That's why I came here. I'm not getting any younger and neither are you. This is perfect timing for the both of us. So yes we're doing this. I want you to call me your girlfriend." Romeo couldn't help but to smile and she gave one right back at him. Hearing that come out of her mouth was smooth to him. "You're my girlfriend." He said before planting a kiss on her lips. Selena smiled through the kiss feeling the warmth he was giving to her heart. "This is truly the best day of my life" he admitted. "I feel the same exact way baby. Moments like these, someone would say 'I don't want this to end' but I don't have to say that because as far as I know this is forever." She smiled at him before turning to her side feeling him do the same thing wrapping his arms around her while he was spooning her.

He placed his hand over her scar and she placed hers over his hands with a smile on her face. "If you happen to get pregnant, I just want you to know how grateful that would be. You being the mother of my child and the love of my life." Selena looked over her shoulder at him with a smile on her face. "I feel like that's what God wants. I feel it baby, it can't get any better than that."

To Be Continued

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