Francia 🌹

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Selena's POV

After getting coffee I drove back home to find Charlie's car still there. WTF?! Is he really going to be here all day??? I had no idea where to go because Tay had promo all day and I was lucky enough that she squeezed me into her busy schedule. There's one person who I haven't seen in months and that person is Francia.

"Hey girl, long time no see." Francia hugged Selena at the door. Selena and her haven't seen each other nor have they spoke in months. It felt much longer than that to them. "So what's up?" Francia sat down on the couch while Selena sat on the couch but with her body facing Francia. Selena told her how her day has been with Justin and Charlie. "Wait, what? You're pregnant?" Francia cut Selena off when she told her about Courtney and Raquelle telling Justin she's pregnant. "Yes" Selena said with a smile. Francia leaned over and hugged her friend. "Oh my God, congratulations! This is amazing Selena."

After pulling away from the hug Selena continued telling her the story. "What the fuck? Justin needs to go far away and never come back. As for Charlie, he needs to go with him. What is wrong with these boys? And I'm so disappointed in Courtney and Raquelle, where's the respect?" Francia was disappointed in them. "That's what Taylor said, she wasn't too happy about it. That's why I refuse to go home right now because Charlie is there." Francia stopped her right there. "That's your home, you shouldn't be far away from it because he's there. I'll go with you if you want to kick his ass out." Selena wanted to ask her to be her God mother but she also wanted to know Romeo opinion on it.

"So you want Francia to be your maid of honor?" Romeo was in his hotel room packing. He was done filming and wanted to surprise her when he got home. "My opinion she's a great woman and I'm grateful for what she did for you but Taylor has been your friend for the longest time. I feel like if anyone deserves to be your maid of honor should be her." Selena was actually impressed that he said Taylor since Romeo has been friends with Francia longer than Selena known her. "But if you want Francia to be the god mother then that's fine, I just thought Taylor would be the better option."

"We have plenty of time to choose one but how is filming going?" Selena was missing him like crazy but knew she shouldn't be going back and forth from LA to Australia especially with the cold weather in Australia, she didn't want to mix cold with hot. "It's good just besides the fact that I'm freezing here and missing you like crazy." Romeo zipped up his bag after finishing packing his bag.

"I'm missing you like crazy too. When you get back, I want to break the news to our families. The sooner they know the better it'll be for us. I don't want to hear "why did you wait to tell us". I just can't wait to see the look on our families face especially our parents." Selena couldn't wait to break the news even though she had a bad feeling about this. How would her family react? How would his react? She knew no matter how they'll react her and Romeo are still going to be together and still going to be great parents to their baby girl or boy.

To Be Continued

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