Drink The Pain Away

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"Sel wait.." Taylor said before pulling out perfume. Selena was a bit confused as to why she did that. "I don't stink" Sel was a bit offended. "You smell like alcohol..." Selena didn't say anything she just took it and sprayed herself. "Sel you shouldn't be drinking while you're pregnant. You could hurt the baby.." She gave Taylor the perfume back before nodding.

Romeo's POV

I woke up in the worse pain ever. The lights were bright at first but then I realized that I was in the hospital. My whole body was aching. My family was there along with Selena's and my friend Marcus but where was she?

"How are you feeling baby?" Sonya asked her oldest son. Romeo could barely see in his right eye from the swelling and was in so much pain. "I'm in pain.. I-I don't know—what happened?" His voice was weak as he tried to sit up but Sonya and Master P both made sure he stayed laying down. Marcus who was at the incident explained everything to his friend. "Damn.. but where is she?" Romeo looked around the room for her. "Where is Selena?" He only wanted to see her because he knew she must be hurt to see him this way. "I don't know man... she left. She told me she has to deal with something and left. I'm afraid she's going to do something to Justin and his friend who hit you with the car."No way, Selena would never do anything bad" Master P told Marcus with everyone agreeing. "Y'all didn't see the look in her eyes, it was hatred, it was rage, it was pain." Romeo was worried about his girlfriend, he looked at his best friend and the people that was surrounding him. "Well find her, quick."

Selena came walking in the room with Taylor just in time. "Selena, oh hi Taylor" Raquelle said a bit happy to see her since they were worried about her. "Baby.." Romeo said weakly. "Let's give them some time" Master P said as everyone exited the room except Selena. Selena slowly walked over to the side of the bed. "I missed you..." he told her trying to smile but it hurt too much. "I missed you too" she mumbled not looking at him. "Everyone was worried about you, said you had some business to handle." He told her as she just nodded. "Hey..." he slowly reached over and grabbed her hand seeing her pressing her lips together trying her best not to cry. "I love you baby." He was slowly rubbing her hand with his thumb. "Mhm.." she continued to nod. "What business did you have to handle." He was very curious. He watched Selena pull her hand away from him before pulling a gun from out of her purse. "Is that a gun? Nah, that can't be real."

"It's real. I bought it from an old friend of mines." Even though Abel and her aren't together anymore they still do for one another and his crew would do anything for her as well. "Wait, an old friend of yours?" Romeo was trying to sit up but was struggling. "Freddie got it for me. Abel's bodyguard..." Romeo finally sat up grunting a bit. "What do you need a gun for baby?" Selena still wouldn't look at him which was annoying him. "Look at me Selena." She shook her head before he asked her again. "Look at me..." Selena put the gun away quickly when two nurses came in to check on him. Selena moved a lock of her hair from behind her ear. She stood back while they were checking his blood and etc. When they finally left Romeo looked at her and asked her again. "Look at me. Are you ashamed of me now? Do I look that bad?"

"Of course not babe" she mumbled. "Then what?" Selena feared what she'd do if she looked at him once again. "Seeing you like this breaks my heart" she mumbled as the tears that were built in her eyes was making her vision blurry. "Give me the gun baby, you don't need to protect me. I'm still alive, I'm still strong. I chose to live for you and our baby. Come here." She bit her bottom lip trying her hardest not to cry. He took her hand again before brining it to his chest so she can feel his heartbeat. "Give me the gun, please..." Selena hesitated at first before she pulled the gun from out of her purse and handing it to him. "It's unloaded..." she told him. "Okay, it's okay. Can I get a kiss now?" She closed her eyes and was starting to lean down. "But I want to see your eyes" he waited till she looked at him seconds later as the tears finally started to fall when she saw him for the first time since being in the ambulance with him. She saw his bruises, she saw the swelling, she saw her broken man. She slowly leaned down and pressed her lips to his. They slowly kissed and during the kiss she began to cry harder. He wrapped his arm around her as she placed her head in the crock of his neck. He smelled alcohol on her and was highly concerned. "Baby?"

"I'm so sorry" She cried as he was rubbing her back. "I love you and was just so scared of losing you. I wasn't thinking baby" she mumbled. He knew right now wasn't the right time to ask her about the alcohol that he smells from underneath her breath so he chose to wait.

To Be Continued

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