God Mother

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"So she told you she's pregnant?" Taylor nodded before speaking. "Yes and I'm glad you recommended her getting a checkup because she was chugging down a bottle of vodka like it was water. She was hurt Rome... seeing her with a gun was so unreal. I'm sure she'll be fine though. So how are you feeling?" Taylor asked Romeo before sitting down in a chair besides the bed. "I'm in so much pain right now but I'm blessed. It could be worse you know?" He looked over at her before reaching for her hand. She let him take her hand. "Thank you for being a good friend to my girl. I could only imagine what she's been going through since she woke up and saw me..." a smile formed on Taylor's face. "I'll always be a good friend to her, I love her so much. Also, I love you for being such a great boyfriend to her. I always told her that you was the one." Taylor gave him a friendly wink.

"I don't know if she asked you just yet but I'm going to ask you myself. I want you to be our baby's god mother." Taylor was shocked. "Wait, me?" He chuckled seeing how dramatic she could be which was cute. "Tay, of course you. You're the best and we know how much you love kids so what do you say?" Taylor stood up and hugged him but forgot he was in pain. She pulled back when he grunted. "Shit, sorry. Did I hurt you?" He chuckled and held his arms out. "Be a lot gentle this time, I'm a broken man." She laughed before hugging him.

After pulling away she sat back down. "I'm gonna ask her to marry me." Taylor covered her mouth with her hand completely shocked but happy. "Oh my gosh... that would be so amazing. Please do, she deserve it. Hell if you need help on how to plan the proposal I'm here. I really want to be there to witness it because I know she'll be so damn happy." Taylor was so happy for her best friend and knew she doesn't have to worry about heartbreak ever again in life with her being with Romeo.

"Son, why is Selena getting taken into a room?" Sonya walked in the room with Master P and everyone else ending Taylor and his conversation. Everyone was concern as he laid there knowing it's probably the best time to tell them. Even though he would've rather waited till she was with him but they would keep asking questions. "I have something to tell y'all."

"What is it son?" Sonya asked as Romeo looked over at Taylor seeing her smile and give him a little nod. He looked back at his family and friends before telling them the big news. "Selena is pregnant" there was a lot of gasps in the room. "We're beyond happy about this and looking forward to seeing him or her when they're born." Romeo watched his mother and father walk over to the bed on the opposite side of where Taylor was sitting. "Son?" Romeo looked at his father not knowing what he was about to say. "I am so happy for you" a weak smile formed on Romeo's face before a tear rolled down his face. "I just need to get strong for the baby. I can't be like this when they're born." Sonya wiped his tear before leaning down placing a kiss on his forehead. "You will son because we raised a Warrior."

2 hours later Selena came walking in and before she could speak people were walking up to her hugging her and congratulating her. "So I'm assuming Rome told you the news, huh?" she said with a smirk. "Thank you for the love, we are looking forward to March 29th. That's the baby's due date." Selena walked over to her man and looked down at him while he stared up at her trying to smile. "You don't have to smile at me, I know it hurts to do that. I know you're happy just by me staring in those beautiful brown eyes." Selena rubbed his head before leaning down planting a kiss on his lips.

The doctor came in to give them some good news. They told them that Romeo will be released tomorrow but he has to be mainly on bed rest and will have to do rehab. But he insisted that he wants to do rehab at his home. They told him that they'll send a doctor 2 times a week and gave Selena and his family some rehab tips for when the doctor isn't there.

To Be Continued

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