Second Option

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Romeo's POV

I was up not able to sleep as much. I was in the living watching TV then I went and grabbed her ticket to Australia with me. I snuck it into her purse. I want her to come to Australia with me to celebrate my birthday and I want to ask her to be my girlfriend. When I finally got back to bed, I was holding Selena close to me while thinking about the amazing night we just had. I moved my hand back when her phone went off. Who's calling this late? It's 4 in the morning. I watched her reach over to grab her phone but it was in shorts pocket. I closed my eyes quickly when I saw her turning her head to look back at me. I felt her move my arms away from her and felt her get off the bed. She answered the phone and went out in the hall to talk. I was suspicious. She was talking loud enough for me to hear her. She was talking to Abel... I listened to the whole conversation until she came back to bed.

That morning Romeo was making breakfast with zero sleep since he couldn't because he thought about her. Is she going to go back to Abel? He heard the news, he knows Abel and Bella broke up. He didn't want to lose her even when she isn't fully his. "Hey" Selena ran her fingers through her hair lettinh out a yawn. She was wearing one of his shirts that goes past her butt by inches. Romeo wasn't the one to get mad, he loves Selena and wants her to follow her heart even if that means breaking his but he was disappointed. "Hi beautiful" he looked over his shoulder giving her a forceful smile. "The food smells amazing" she walked in the kitchen and sat in a chair. He flipped the pancakes over and turned around facing her. "Not to sound rude or anything but you look like you could use some more sleep." Romeo had bags under his eyes since he hasn't been asleep yet.

"I'm good love" He looked at her thinking about the phone call between her and Abel. "So... about last night.." she looked at him twisting her jaw to the side a little before biting her bottom lip. "What about last night?" Romeo had so much fun making love to her but did she enjoy it? "I had a great time" She looked down blushing. "I loved it" she finished her sentenced. Romeo was a bit surprised that she did, he thought she didn't sense Abel got her attention all over again. "I'm glad you enjoyed it. I did too." He told her seeing her look up at him with a smile. But it dropped when she realize she's about to break someone's heart.

Romeo put the last pancake on the plate before turning the burner off. "I'm going to see Abel..." she looked down. Romeo turned around with two plates in his hands and walked over placing them on the table. "Why are you telling me?" He grabbed the jug of orange juice from the refrigerator. "I thought you should know.. since last night..." Selena was already feeling guilty. He sat down across from her, he couldn't look at her. He grabbed his fork but she grabbed his hand. "Rome, please talk to me." Romeo was hurting. He thought since they made love he could finally surprise her with tickets to Australia with him for his birthday. He wanted to ask her to be his girlfriend but those plans are over with. "You should talk to him" he moved his hand away from her embrace before he started eating.

After eating Romeo took both of their plates and placed them in the sink. Selena knew even though he wasn't showing that he was upset, she knew he was. She stood up and walked up to him placing her hand against his back. She tilted her head looking at him, he wasn't showing any emotion. "Rome..." she spoke softly. Seeing his eyebrows raise up in frustration. "I just want you to be happy. If that's you being with him then you should go. I'm not about to be a second option to anybody anymore..." He looked at her with pain in his eyes, he wanted her but he's always a second option.

Romeo turned on the water so that he could start doing the dishes. Selena leaned forward pressing her lips to his cheek giving him a kiss. He felt his jawbone from him clenching his teeth. He felt her hand slide off of his back as he heard her walk out of the kitchen. Seconds later he heard the door close. He turned the water off and turned around leaning against it with his head down.

To Be Continued

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