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Romeo's POV

Sleeping on the couch was a bit uncomfortable to the point where I couldn't even sleep. I laid there thinking about the beautiful woman who was laying in my bed and about what she said. She wants to find someone new this time huh? We'll see about that... I was eventually able to sleep for about 6 hours which wasn't too bad. When I got up I decided to make her breakfast in bed. After making breakfast I walked to the room opening my door seeing the sleeping beauty made me smile. I walked to the night stand and placed the tray of food down. I was about to sit down besides her so I can wake her up but then I saw that part of my sheets from underneath her were stained from blood. I wasn't trying to look... but she was only wearing underwear and a bra so I saw her underwear was stained. She must've started her monthly. Instead of panicking like most men would've done. I didn't want to check her purse to see if she had a tampon or a pad so I decided to go to the nearest store to get her both. When I got back she was still sleeping peacefully. I ran water in the bathtub and grabbed a pair of my gym shorts and one of my shirts for her to wear putting them in the bathroom. Finally I walked back in the bedroom and woke her up.

"Selena, get up love" Selena moved a little, moaned and mumbled. "No Rome.. I'm tired" She was about to turn over to have her back facing him. "You started your period..." she suddenly opened her eyes and looked down quickly seeing his stained sheets. "Oh my God..." she sat up placing her hand over her mouth fully embarrassed. Before freaking out even more he reassured her that he went and bought her pads and tampons since he wasn't sure if she had any in her purse and wasn't sure which ones she uses. "Rome you didn't have to do that. You could've checked my purse." She shook her head fully embarrassed and thinking he might think she's gross. "I carry a few just in case... God I am so sorry." Selena covered her face. "I didn't want to go in your purse and don't apologize" he couldn't help but to smile and shake his head at her as he placed his hand on her shoulder.

"Rome, I trust you and how could I not apologize?" She looked at him before continuing. "I practically ruined your sheets and I know these aren't cheap since it's Versace. I'm sorry for staining your sheets...I'll buy you new ones." Selena has been in this situation before where she started her monthly while she was sleeping in bed and they were embarrassing moments. "Sel, stop apologizing and you don't have to buy me anything. This is normal, your bath water should be ready and I have my gym shorts and a t shirt in the bathroom for you to wear plus a towel. I'll wash your clothes afterwards." Selena got out of bed not caring she was only wearing a bra and underwear, she hugged him tightly. She wasn't as embarrassed anymore because he made her feel good about herself. He didn't blame her and didn't get mad or overreact.

While Selena was taking a bath, Romeo took the sheets off of his bed and took them down to the basement to wash them. Meanwhile, Selena sat in the tub mumbling her Bad Liar lyrics.

"What could possibly happen next? Can we focus on the love? Paint my kiss across your chest, If you're the art, I'll be the brush, Ooh you're taking up a fraction of my mind, Ooh every time I watch you serpentine" She was washing her arm with a cloth but stopped when she looked up at a picture of Romeo on the wall.

"What could possibly happen next? Can we focus on the love? Paint my kiss across your chest, If you're the art, I'll be the brush, Ooh you're taking up a fraction of my mind, Ooh every time I watch you serpentine" She was washing her arm with a cl...

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Selena's POV

Why does he have a picture of him catching a football shirtless in the bathroom?! It was a great photo tho... no lie. I didn't mean to spend the night last night. We were just too tired to do anything so he allowed me to sleep in his bed while he slept on the couch and I end up starting my PERIOD!! Justin overreacted and was a bit mad when I've done that in the past. Abel was grossed out when I done that once. But Romeo, he was quite understanding.

"Where would you like for me to put the clothes?" Selena was done with her shower now in Romeo's clothes that he left for her. He was making breakfast all over again since he didn't want her to eat the cold food he made earlier. When he turned around he was amazed how gorgeous she was in his clothes. The way her legs looked in his extra large shorts and how his extra large shirt was looking like an off the shoulder T-shirt on her. "I'll take them" he took them from her with their hands brushing against each other. He walked down the stairs to set them aside to be washed. Selena was sitting at the table when he came back upstairs. He started stirring the eggs up and she watched him. "I'm starving" Selena admitted.

"Yeah about that, I was bringing you breakfast in bed when I saw you know..." Selena looked down feeling embarrassed all over again. "Sorry..." she mumbled as she was looking down at the floor. Romeo looked over his shoulder seeing that she was feeling bad about it. He didn't want her to feel that way so he changed the subject fast. "You look amazing in my clothes by the way" he gave her a smirk when she looked up at him causing her to blush.

"So how good of a cook are you? Because I'm not trying to get sick" she joked before laughing. Rome turned around chuckling. "My food is like sex on the beach girl." Selena raised her eyebrows. "I never had actual sex on the beach so that's not telling me nothing." She chuckled as she pulled out her phone. "Are you trying to find out Ms. Gomez?" Selena's phone slipped through her hands crashing on the floor.

"Shit" she leaned down and picked it up. "Easy" he chuckled and turned around before taking a plate and putting the eggs on it."So you had sex on the beach...?" She asked him before pursing her lips together not knowing what his answer was about to be. "I have" he spoked truthfully. Hearing that made her ears bleed. Her veins felt like they were on fire. "Oh..." is all she could get out. "Wait.." he turned around with a anxious look on his face "you aren't jealous are you?" He ended it with a smile.

"No... should I be?" She couldn't look at him at this point. "Well good." He turned back around and was continuing putting the food on the plate before speaking. "I had sex at a beach before but it wasn't with the right one. I'm sure the right one, it would be special." Selena finally looked at him, his back was facing her and she now noticed his muscles that were seen through his shirt. "So you're telling me you don't have some girl waiting on you? Haven't found the right one yet? To have sex on a beach with..." Romeo turned around with the plate in his hand. "I have."

"Oh.. what's her name?" She looked down while Romeo walked over to her placing the plate down in front of her. "Selena Marie Gomez. The woman I've been in love with for many years. Since the moment I laid eyes on her." Selena looked up at him meeting his eyes. She was surprised that he still had those feelings for her. Before she could get a word out "But I know she doesn't feel the same way and it's okay. I rather be her friend than be nothing to her." Romeo gave her a smile before turning around to walk to the refrigerator. He placed his hand on the handle about to open it up. "What if she does feel the same way?" Romeo stopped and looked over his shoulder at her. "Do you?"

Selena wanted to say yes so badly but she didn't want to ruin their friendship so she had to lie. "No..." Romeo forced a smile at her. "I knew it." He looked back at the refrigerator with his lips now in a straight line searching for something for her to drink. Selena's head dropped down as her eyes closed and she shook her head in shame knowing her saying no hurt him.

To Be Continued

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