Birthday Eve

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While Romeo was filming, Selena was with his family who finally arrived. They were at the same hotel of course. Selena was wearing Romeo's Romeeverything hoodie and some shorts while visiting them. "Thank you so much for coming. He is going to be so surprised and happy." As she was talking to Romeo's father, mother, and siblings she was feeling a little nausea and his mother noticed. "Are you okay baby?" Selena faked a smile and gave her a nod even though she was seconds from being sick. "Are you sure?" Selena rushed to the bathroom. Romeo's sister Inty and Itali both ran in the bathroom to comfort her.

"Are you okay?" Itali was rubbing her back. Selena flushed the toilet before wiping her mouth. Selena was confused at first to why she was throwing up until she realized why. "I need to get back to my room to brush my teeth." Everyone was concern but she left without saying another word.

Selena's POV

There's no way. There's absolutely no way I could be pregnant. It's too soon... After brushing my teeth I decided I was about to leave when Itali and Inty were both waiting for me outside of my room.

"Girls, what's up?" Selena was trying to play it cool. "We're worried, all of us are." Romeo's sister Inty told her. Selena chuckled nervously and shook her head. "Y'all too sweet but I'm fine." Both girls maybe years younger than Selena but they're not stupid. "I know you and our brother have been having sex which explains why you're glowing—" Inty said before getting interrupted by Itali. "Which we love by the way." Inty then finished her sentence. "It's probably a possibility that you could be pregnant." Selena laughed nervously before denying it. Little did she know Inty brought her a pregnancy test. "Prove it that you're not" Inty held it out.

Selena was bouncing her leg nervously as she was waiting for her results. "It would be so awesome if you were, we'll be Aunts and Uncles to a beautiful baby. You know if it's a girl he would want to name her Rose." Itali told Selena who was so nervous. At the time she was all for it but if she's really pregnant she and Romeo would have to break the news to their families. "And we both know that you both would make excellent parents." Inty told her which brought a smile to Selena's face. She hugged them both before the timer went off. "It's time." Itali told her as Selena pulled away from the hug. Selena stood up from the bed before walking slowly into the bathroom. Her heart was racing quicker and quicker as she walked closer to the sink where the pregnancy test was placed on. She closed her eyes for a quick second before opening them back up. She slowly grabbed the pregnancy test and held it up.

Later that day, Selena was seated on the bed when Romeo got back to the hotel room. A smile formed on her face when she saw the love of her life. "Baby!" She stood up and ran to him jumping into his arms with her arms wrapped around his neck and legs around his waist. "Someone is happy to see me" He chuckled. "Of course I am baby, I was so bored without you. Happy Birthday Eve." Romeo gave his beautiful girlfriend a long kiss as he was walking them to the bed. He laid her down seeing her stare up at him. "You're so beautiful" he ran his finger down her waist before leaning down kissing her soft lips. Romeo was in the mood to make love but she just wanted to cuddle and watch movies. "Babe I just want to cuddle tonight and watch romantic comedies or even horror movies, me just being in your arms." He kissed her lips multiple times before pulling back. "There's no better way to end the night my love."

To Be Continued

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